Chapter XI

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Colby and Kat look at Sam in shock, surprised by what he was saying. They were reincarnations of two characters from the King Arthur legend. Colby was the reincarnation of Lancelot, and Kat was a reincarnation of Guinevere.

"Sam? If I am a reincarnation of Lancelot and Kat is a reincarnation of Guinevere, doesn't that mean there might be a love triangle between us?"

"Do you have feelings for Kat?"

"Not exactly, no."

"Then we don't need to worry," said Sam "But do you know where the agents are holding our friends?"

"Yes in a government building just outside of downtown,"

"Then why are we waiting? Let's go and rescue our friends!"

"But my car can only fit five people two in the front and three in the back,"

"How about," says Kat joining in "Sam can take Jake's car, and when we find the complex, we hide the cars somewhere where the government cannot find it."

Sam agrees with Kat, and after discussing what to do, Sam, Kat and Colby head for the front door, Sam grabbed Jake's car keys, and Colby grabs his car keys. Walking out of the house, Colby walked over to his Toyota and climbed in; Sam made his way over to the driver's seat to speak to Colby quick.

"Colby, you'll lead since you know where this government complex is located," says Sam.

Colby nodded his head and closed the driver's side door; afterwards, Sam made his way over to Jake's car, which was able to carry the remainder of the Trap house. Colby backed out of the driveway first then drove toward the gate. Sam and Kat climbed into Jake's car, and from there, Sam started the car and began to follow Colby. As the gate opened, Sam and Colby began to drive. After thirty minutes of driving Sam, Kat and Colby arrived at the designated location. Sam kept his sword with him, and as he drove, he parked in a place that the agents wouldn't think to look. Colby parked next to him, after shutting the engine off, they got out and looked at the building which was three stories high and had a revolving door.

"How do we know where the cameras are?" asked Kat looking between Sam and Colby.

"You're lucky that I always keep binoculars in the car Kat," says Colby as he made his way around to the passenger's side and opened the glove compartment revealing a pair of big black binoculars meant for bird watching. Colby came back around and handed the binoculars to Sam.

"You're the leader Sam, go ahead and lead," says Colby. Sam smiled and politely took the binoculars, he put the binoculars to his eyes and began looking for cameras. He saw a few cameras around the front one over the revolving door and one by the side as well as one by a window.

"Okay, looks like we have to go around the back to avoid those cameras. There's one above the revolving door, one on the left side of the building and one over a window."

"So how do we get in then?" Sam and Colby looked at each other with a smile then back at Kat.

"What we normally do when we explore,"

"So, let me get this straight," says Kat "We're going around the back of this building then climbing in through one of the windows."

"Pretty much," says Colby.

"Then let's hope that we don't get caught unexpectedly by those agents that could be patrolling throughout the building," says Kat.

"We won't get caught as long as we duck and cover," replies Sam. After discussing the plan, Sam, Colby, and Kat made their way toward the complex ducking out of the way and hoping that they wouldn't get caught. Slowly, they made their way around the back and to a window that seemed unguarded. The end of the building wasn't any different from the front of the building. The three were as silent as ninja's making sure that they were not caught off guard. Colby climbed in through the window first; then it was Kat's turn. Moving aside, Sam cupped his hands together and helped Kat through the window. She landed on the other side with a soft thud. Finally, it was Sam's turn, he took off Excalibur, and the sheath then handed it over to Kat who politely took it and sat it down by the window. Sam climbed through the window and landed on the other side, picking up his sword and scabbard, he reattached it around his waist.

"Ready?" says Sam as he looked at his girlfriend and Colby.

"Yeah," they said in unison.

"Let's go and find our friends,"

Sam, Colby, and Kat began to search the entire building for their friends, but they couldn't cover much ground while they were together. Sam's leadership kicked in, and he turned around and looked at Kat and Sam.

"Kat, and Colby, we need to split up, we can't cover ground enough ground without having to go everywhere together."

"So, you're saying that we need to split up?" asks Colby.

"Yes, I'm suggesting that we split up because we will be able to cover more ground that way. Just stay out of the way, and if you've found anything text me," suggested Sam as he held up the smartwatch on his wrist, he looked at Kat and Colby who also have smartwatches. They nodded their heads, and together the three of them went separate directions hoping to find the rest of the trap house.


~10 minutes later~

Sam looks down at his wrist, as he does, he sees two messages from Kat and Colby saying that they've found members of the trap house. Inside of the building in which they were in was full of futuristic tech and a bunch of doors. Sam had found Devyn and Jake in two different rooms, approaching the studio with Jake, Sam examined the doorknob which looked to be a regular lock which seemed weird considering the entire building was full of future tech. Pulling out his wallet, Sam pulled out a card and slid the card down the crack of the door until he reached the lock. Jiggling the lock ever so slightly he finally unlocked it and pulled the door open. Inside Jake had looked up and seen Sam.

"Sam!" says Jake his red and brown hair moving while he looked at Sam. "You made it!"

"Hey Jake, I'm here to help you," says Sam as he pulled out Excalibur and walked over to the chains that bound Jake and hit it with the sword causing the strings to shatter. Jake stood up and hugged Sam, then together they went to free the rest of the trap house. Sam and Jake met Kat and Colby and the other trap house members in the middle of a hallway.

"We need to find a way to escape, any ideas?" says Colby just as an alarm goes off causing everyone to jump.

"First, we need to run!" Says Sam as he and the rest of the trap house started running.

"What are you doing!" says Arthur.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" replies Sam.

"Stop running! You and your friends need to stand and fight!"

After Arthur had said that, Sam began thinking about what he had said. He stopped running and turned around holding Excalibur and a gun up.

"Sam?! What are you doing?!" yells Colby.

"We need to stand and fight, enough running! You know what to do!"

"No, I don't!"

"Fight! Let Lancelot guide you!"

Colby nodded and started to help Sam, soon enough the entire trap house except for Kat and Devyn's start fighting the agents. Eventually, Sam and the rest of the gang defeated the agents, and together all eight members of the trap house escape the complex and head home.

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