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Chaos. That's all he could see; his knights had been fighting a long battle and they were slowly losing ground. Morgana, Mordred, and their followers had been attacking them day and night. Not a day went by that Arthur was beginning to wonder about his leadership. His close friend, Merlin was always there for him even in this battle that was going on. Screams of dying men surrounded the young king as magic attacked his warriors left and right. Currently, he was fighting against Mordred the one person that he had trusted but now he knew where his allegiance lied. Mordred attacked while he countered trying his best to evade the blade that Mordred had. However, the last counterattack did not go as he had planned as he felt the blade pierce his armor and with it his stomach.

Shock ran through the king's face as he looked at Mordred one last time before falling backwards and landing on the ground. Merlin had seen what happened as his eyes had widened and sent a wave of electricity that struck Morgana's forces everywhere giving the victory to the knights of Camelot. When the battle was over, Merlin raced to his kings side and called forth his fellow dragon. He hoped that he would be able to save his best friend and King before everything died with him. However, there was no way to save him, Merlin laid his king on a boat and pushed the boat away from the dock as it floated toward the isle of the blessed, waiting until Arthur was to rise again when the world needed him the most.

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