Chapter 4

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I woke up from my slumber, enjoying the quite in the ballroom. I noticed that Yang was next to me, but Ruby, matter of fact, everyone wasn't here anymore, but us. "Everyone went into the locker room. I was waiting for you." Yang told me and I sighed. "How long have we been here?" "At least 5 to 6 minutes. Why worry when were finally alone~" She got on top of me and kissed me softly. She start to grind against my crouch section, making me groan a bit. "As much as I love to relieve your stress Yang, we can't do this here, plus we have that exam to attend, so sorry." I got up and pick her up in bridal style, walking to the locker room.

An Hour Later...

We were all outside, waiting for Ozpin to give us instructions of what will be done. Miss Goodwitch  was outside with us and waiting patiently for Ozpin like us, but what she didn't know was that I was checking her out. I mean, look at that figure and chest! Just, wow. Ozpin came and started to give us a speech of what were going to do. apparently were going into this forest called Emerald forest to test our abilities and were also going to have our teammates today! That's just FREAKING GREAT! In order to get a teammate, we'll have to make eye contact with each other to be a team. We'll be a team for the rest of our time at Beacon for 4 years. Also, we'll need to get a relic in the forest and met back up here on the hill.

"Are there any questions?" Jaune had his hand up, but he ignored him with "Good! Now get into position."

"Pfff!" I tried to hide my laughter.

The pads were standing on will send us to the forest and I just stood there, not in a pose. After Yang catapulted, I was next, but before I was I looked at Miss Goodwitch and winked at her, which shocked her and made her blush. I was sent flying in the air, and after a minute later, I landed on a tree. I jumped down and went west, because we were told to head there. As I was making my way, I heard a nose and looked behind me to see who it was.

"Ruby? Yang?" I then heard a growl.

"Nope." I stood my ground, waiting for what made that noise and a Beowolf came out from a bush.

The thing was growling at me, walking around me in a circle and I kept my eye on it. When it was in front of me, I raised my hand and waited for it to come to me. The Beowolf, slowly came towards me and sniffed my hand, then placed its head on my hand. I smiled at the beast and noticed it calmed down. "Hi there pal. You seem tired. Did I wake you? I'm sorry." The Beowolf headed back to the bush and rested like it was doing before I came here. I've been able to calm Grimm down for a while for some reason? I guess it's because of my Genes. Anyway, I continued to head west.

Ozpin POV

"Well, isn't that unique?" I just saw Y/n calm a Grimm down and made it had back to it's spot from before. How did she do that?

"Miss Goodwitch, please write on her file she can do that."

"I'm already on that."

"Also, can you put on the paper that she likes blonde girls."

"Sure Ozpin... WAIT!"

Y/n POV 

I was walking around the forest for awhile and encountered some Grimm but I was able to get past them. To be honest, I don't like killing them. I just feel like I knew them my whole life, like their family. However, I must if they hurt Ruby or Yang. I stopped when I found a chest piece in a circle, which had symbols of horses, knights, and queens. I walked towards the chess piece and picked it up. The chess piece was a king, which surprised me a bit, because I didn't expect this to be out here. Suddenly I saw a Nevermore flying where the temple was and what I saw surprised me and shocked me. I saw Ruby hanging on it with the Ice Queen.

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