Chapter 5

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I was in the elevator, heading to the top of the tower, where Ozpin office is and I was fine with that. However, what bothered me was that I was here with Goodwitch. I was facing forward, not looking at my direction at all.

"You know. With all this tech, I expect this elevator to go faster not slow." I said to her, trying to start a conversation.

"I'm not talking to you Miss Y/n." She said to me with venom in her voice.

I looked at her with a blank face. "Why so upset Goodwitch? Did I do something to upset you?" "You nearly beat four students to death!" "They had it coming for pulling on an faunus ear." She looked at me with her glare, while I blankly stared at her. "You can't just beat them for doing that." "WHY NOT!" I raised my voice to her and this surprised her a bit. "I'M NOT JUST GOING TO LET HER GET BULLIED, BECAUSE SHE'S DIFFERENT?! SHE DIDN'T ASK TO BE LIKE THAT! I MEAN, WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO DO, TELL THEM NOT TO DO IT AGAIN OR THEY'LL GET ATTENTION?!" She remained silent and I calmed a bit. "Nobody did anything to help her Miss Goodwitch. Nobody and you think I was going to be one of them? No. I did something and I'm proud of it."

"Even if you get expelled?" I paused for a moment and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Even if it gets me expelled Goodwitch." She looked at me and back at the doors.

We arrived at Ozpin office and the doors opened to relieve Ozpin sitting in his chair, while a man with white clothing was standing right next to him. We walked inside the room and I took a seat in front of Ozpin desk. "Do you know why your here Miss Rose?" "I prefer Miss Y/n, sir." He nodded. "Also, I'm guessing I'm here, because of those four students?" He nodded again and stood up. "Miss Y/n, you can't just beat them up nearly to death, because they were bullying a faunus girl. True it was wrong, but you didn't have to break one's nose, ribs, arm, and jaw." I stood up from my sit and stared at him, with a serious face. "What were you going to do? Give them attention? A slap on the wriest? Go to the corner? That's what you call punishment. I, on the other hand, call it pity. In order to make sure they don't do it, you make suffer, so they get the message Ozpin." He looked at me with a calm face, while the man with white clothing gave me a serious and Goodwitch gave me a worry face.

"You still can't beat them to death! They are people, human beings and still children! They are still learning." Ah, I remember who this guy was.

"Your General Ironwood, right?" He was surprised I knew who he was.

"I am indeed." "If they'll still learning, then they won't do it again. Right?" He was going to say something, Ozpin put his hand up to stop him. "Miss Y/n, please don't do this again, or you will be punished." "Whatever you got, it'll won't hurt, because I already been through rue pain Oz. True pain. Can I go?" He nodded and I walked to the elevator and pressed one to get down to the first floor. I sighed and chuckled a bit. I got to the first floor and headed to my dorm. I was at my door and closed the door. Since it was Friday, we had off two days, which mean I can relax. I put on my gear and M/n, then went outside.

I went to a airship and waited for it to lift off. When it left Beacon, I was standing on it, looking down, waiting for a perfect place to land. I found a spot and jumped down, landing on a tree and then to the ground. I looked around to see I was in Emerald forest and I started to walk around, clearing my mind from what have happened. As I was walking, I noticed a crow flying around in a above me, which got my attention, however I pretended I didn't see it at all. The crow slowly came down and landed on a tree. I walked passed it and slowly went to my right, then jumped on to a branch on a tree, waiting.

"I know it's not Uncle Qrow. He would show himself right off the bat." I whispered to my self.

I waited and then heard a sword. I jumped to the ground, dodging from being sliced from the attacker. I looked up to see a women, shallow cut black and red dress with black shorts underneath, with series of beaded necklaces and a belt that wraps around her waist and carries her weapon's sheath. Attached also is a long black object that is either fur or feathers, with a red and white bandana material like hanging from behind her. Her forearms bear red armored gauntlets that protrude outwards and solid black gloves. She wore black mid-thigh high leggings with red splatter patterns and black heels. She also had long black hair and a Grimm mask. She aimed her blade at me.

"Well, what's your name?" She didn't answer and charged at me, I jumped over her and backed away from her to gain distance

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"Well, what's your name?" She didn't answer and charged at me, I jumped over her and backed away from her to gain distance. I grabbed my weapon, which was a gun, for now, and started to fire right at her.

She ran around, trying to dodge me bullets and I was impressed she's trying. She ran on a tree and jumped over me, swinging her sword at me freezing my left arm. I turned around to see that her sword's blade was white now. I flexed my muscles and broke the ice, which surprised her. "You gotta do better-" I ran at me while I was talking and slid her sword in the sheath, then I noticed the sheath has a dust combiner, which turned orange. What will orange do? Suddenly an explosion came right in front of me, sending me across a mile away, where I was before. So that's what it does.

I got up and looked at her and she looked surprised once again. I walked  to her and transformed my gun into a scythe. I charged a her and used my ability of speed, so I can move quicker. I ducked her sword and got a cut on her, then I ran around her, jumping at her with an attack and then back to running in a circle. I kept on getting her to the point where her semblance was wearing off.

She noticed this and jumped in front of me, knocking my weapon out of my hand, then kicked me in the face.

"Now your defenseless." I looked up at her.

"So, you can talk?" She paused for a moment and lifted her weapon up.

I charged at her, tackling her down, then got up and grabbed her leg. I lifted her up and swig her around a bit, then slammed her down hard to the ground. I slammed her to the other side and back to before. I repeated this for 3 minutes and then I throw her to a tree. She slowly got up and leaned against the tree to keep herself from falling, but I didn't let her get a chance to gain conscious. I charged her and ran into her stomach, pushing her through the trees, breaking them. After the 10th tree, she kicked me in the gut 20 times and I fell down with her. I got up before her, noticing that her mask was off and so was mine. I saw her face when she got up. She looked like Yang? And Qrow? Wait a minute...

"Your Raven..." She was shocked that I knew her and how I did. She touched her face and finally noticed her mask was off.

"How do you know me?" I looked at her with a serious look.

"Qrow told me what you look like, plus you look like Yang." She stood up and looked at me, staring me down. "Your that Grimm girl." Now I was shocked. "How do you-" "Qrow told me about you." I sighed, walking to pick up my M/n from the ground, while she was still staring at me. "What are you doing out here?" I put my M/n on and looked at her. "Was clearing my mind from what happened today. She looked at me from top to bottom. Is she checking me out? I mean Yang does, so maybe she's doing the same? Oh, so that's where she gets it from. "Come with me." "Why?"

"Because, I want you to join my Tribe."

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