24 | Uncle Jack is Back

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"And I'm feeling paranoid. Everybody's asking for too much." - Colin Caulfield, Looking for Revenge


I got home after yet another trying time of dealing with people I didn't like. I came to the conclusion that forensics wasn't going to be the class I was going to look forward too. There was a fair amount of work that required partners or groups. Since I didn't know anyone in the class, the idea of it was stressing me out and all we had done was an overview of the syllabus.

Plus, I can always go without Brielle's needless judgment of me. She was always sizing me up, and I hated that. It was like I was in pursuit of her, not Avery. Yet again, Brielle and the dancing girl were close so, I understood her misguided caution. I needed to talk to Avery about this.

Brielle just rubbed me the wrong way.

I pulled out my phone and contacted Avery. This conversation could've gone several ways, but I hoped it would end without hurting Avery's feelings. I wasn't trying to lose her before I even had her.

Me: can we talk about brielle

Avery💕: is something wrong

Me: yeah, shes what's wrong

Avery💕: care to explain

Me: she's weird

Avery💕: weird? 😂 I thought you were kinda weird when I met you but that wasn't something that got in the way

Me: shes extra mean to me for no reason. Now I'm in a class with her and she's not letting up. At all.

Avery💕: I'll talk to her if you really want me to.

Me: dont do it if you really don't want to do it. I'll figure something else out.

Avery💕: okay just don't do anything illegal

I chuckled and locked my phone. I heard the labored steps of my grandma soon. She was talking on the phone with someone. I didn't know who, but they must've obviously been hearing impaired as my grandma's volume suggested.

"You'll never guess who I just got off the phone with," she beamed. She placed her phone on the end table.

"Helen Keller?"

"No, doofus," she insulted. "I just got off the phone with the DuPonts of the family."

"Wow, what A-list party do we have to act fake at now?"

"Don't think of it as acting fake...think of it as getting connections."

If my grandma was even entertaining the thought of playing pretend in exchange for social or monetary gain, I knew whatever this party was about had to be good.

"Keep going," I encouraged with intrigue. My grandma's expression scrunched up in thinking and excitement.

"Jack, the entrepreneur is making some major changes in his company. He wants to begin to be seen as a family man."

"So, he suddenly wants back in after going AWOL? And he suddenly wants to be seen with his 'money-hungry' family?" I questioned. "Doesn't it just rub you the wrong way?"

"Who says we're money-hungry?"

"He did! He's said it for years up until now."

In her green eyes, there was shame and irritation. I definitely struck a nerve.

"This is all because of his company and what's he's trying to convey. It's public image 101," I continued.

"I know, but it still wouldn't hurt to be around family. Even though him and I aren't connected by blood, we're connected through your grandfather. If I felt like it was wrong to be around him, then I wouldn't go to any of his parties."

"So, what's the deal with this party?" I asked. "What makes this one so special?"

"The company is preparing to go public. It's a monumental moment for Jack and a monumental moment for us."

"For us? We don't have any holdings or high position in his company."

"Yes, but when do you ever get to see an event like this. I'm talking suits and ties, gowns, champagne -"

"That I can't even drink."

"Not the point. Plus, he said we could bring someone if we wanted," she informed. Her eyebrows danced in mischief. She definitely had something on her mind.

"Bringing someone from the book club?"

"No. I was thinking maybe you bring someone."

I groaned and ran my hand through my hair in stress. "If Avery meets the family right now, I'm not gonna have a girlfriend."

"If anything, she will be seeing the best part of the family." She walked closer to me and grabbed my hand.

"The best part of the family is suddenly the part that rejected us for so long?"

"If I go, are you gonna bring her or not? Plain and simple."

"Depends, when is it?"

"Next week on Wednesday," she said.

"When do I need to get back to you with an answer?"

"I'd hope that you give me an answer soon. If your hesitation is about how you're scared of how Avery is going to perceive us, then invite her. The only way to know how she'll react is to bring her."

I thought on it for a moment. "Okay, I'll ask her."

"Great! Make sure to tell her it's a formal event." She began to walk up back upstairs until she turned around sharply. "Oh and you need to wear your suit."

My mind traveled back to the funeral I didn't want to think about. It went back to the suit I didn't want to think about.

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