2 - welcoming

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Flashback. past and present tense

Excitement filled my lungs, my heart beating faster and faster, I'm home, I'm finally home. I've made it, I can see mama again, and I can see Rachel and Veronica. They'll be so happy to see me, I can imagine the party now.

I turned towards Allura, flashing her a smile, she smiled back, both of us beaming with excitement. Her, so she can see our culture and gather experiences to tell in the future, me fore I'll see my family. Everyone held a unique glow, we were happy, ecstatic even.

It was sunrise when we landed, the sky filled with bright blues and pinks, it was truly magnificent. The sun reflected upon the oceans, a reflection of the sky. We sped through the sky, my smile never fading, the ship heating up due to the earths atmosphere trying to deny us assess. We continued on.

At rapid speeds we arrived on Earth, the green woods still surrounding the earths walls, everything was so welcoming, little did I know that this was the only welcoming thing I had encountered that day.

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