14- rule number one: dont text the hot head first

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Time was as slow as ever, these past few hours painfully slow, life it's self had stopped and refused to continue on until I picked up the phone and tried to talk to my former, something, it's rather difficult to process this feeling due to the fact that it has been 5 years. I wonder how he's doing, I wonder if he has a family of his own, he mentioned having students is he a teacher? I have so many questions for you keith, are you okay? Why did you do what you did with Shiro? Do you love him? Are you even into guys? Was I chasing loose threads, Keith I can't breathe I've held onto these forgotten memories and they're all the same, they're all the same loose ends, I can't think. Earth is bringing back memories I forgot I had, theyre all fuzzy and mixed up but I can't tell you this. I can't tell you this because the Lance McClain that you knew is gone. Keith would you even love a broken mess like me?

I sighed, my blue eyes travelling my bedroom walls, concert tickets littered the walls, posters hung of different artists that I used to adore, photos of different places in the world, there wasn't one of me. Why should there be? I mean, I know what I look like and it's not like I have any friends, so it would be rather conceded to have selfies hung up. Could you change that, Keith? I grumbled, why do I keep thinking of you? Its been years since the last time we talked and we only talk now on a professional note, so why is it my head is full of these unanswered questions, why is it my head can't think straight, why am I so annoyed all of a sudden? My heart feels heavy and I can't breath, Keith, talk to me. Message me before I ask you about the times and dates, maybe then I'll give up my hopeless pride and give myself away to you. Maybe, I'll learn to love again. But this all depends on you, message me.

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