13 - Love stories are often hard to begin with a broken heart.

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November 13th, 2020.
Friday, 6:59pm
Hey it's Keith.

Hello Keith.

So continuing on from our conversation before, I was hoping to arrange a date, for us to meet that is.

Ah yes, so today is currently Friday 13th, so would December 5th be good for you?

That's totally fine, closer to the date we'll arrange a time and I'm guessing Arazona, by the galaxy garrison? Is that correct?

Totally fine, well I'll contact you sometime soon, thank you.

These small conversations couldn't begin to explain how much Lances heart was pounding, his hands felt sweaty and his mouth dry. He couldn't breath, not once in a million years did he believe to have contact with voltron again, no with Keith again. Life had continued on without him but now he feels like it's waiting for him at the end of the corridor, holding open the golden doors of fate.

But, he had to admit he was a little happy to be in contact with the hot headed paladin, that was evident when the dark, dull colours that he saw everyday became less dark and a bit Brighter, the dark black and bright whites soothed into dull shades of different colours, he still wasn't happy but he was happier then before. Maybe, that's all that matters, maybe he didn't need for Keith to love him when his presence made him happier.

These were the thoughts Lance had, little did he know that these next couple of weeks would be literal hell for the former red paladin. He wasn't prepared.

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