16- rule number 3: dont text back right away.

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As I let my body slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep, my eyes closing, the room becoming dark, warmth filling my senses. I hear a slight ding coming from my bedside table, my phone screen lighting up and the room becoming less dark. My heavy eyes widening and the sleep leaving my body, my whole trance my body had previously been erased itself from my body, my hands moving on their own accord, quickly picking up the rectangular object. My eyes squinted at the bright screen, a slight pain being with it. And there it was, a message from the only person I had in my contacts that would dare message me in the early hours of the morn.

Keith Kogane
You awake?

Seriously? He texts me now? Like come on you had all night and now you decide to message me in the early hours of the morning? I mean, yeah, I wanted you to message me but come on! Okay, just stick to it and well? What do I do?

A sigh escaped my lips, the sigh thick and laced with exhaustion. Rule number two: don't reply straight away.

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