8-  masquerade

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"Ladies and gentlemen we have Blue with us today, telling us his deepest secrets and why nobody can pinpoint his identity. Will this interview make history? Will he tell us his past? Will he choose one lucky fan to spend the day with, without his mask? Continue watching to find out!" The high pitched interviewers voice travelled through the speaker of My computer screen, yet another video chat interview, yet another screen to hide behind.

"So blue, how ya doin' today?"
I chuckled at the dry statement.

"I'm great, yeah I'm pretty tired but other then that I'm really laid back, how about you?" The blue eyed male replied, a white mask covering his blue eyes, this was all a masquerade. However I was the only one dressing up.

"Oh you charmer!-" her voice was loud and obnoxious. "I'm fine thank you, now let's get down to business. Who are you?-" silence. "KIDDING, kidding but seriously tell us about yourself, tell YOUR fans about yourself."

"I guess it couldn't hurt to open up a little bit, I'm from Cuba, and as far as I'm aware I'm the only person in my family that's currently living in this modern day fantasy." The lady, that went by the name of Rosanna, looked shocked. Obviously she would be, this was the first information that had been released to the public about myself, she's hearing my voice first hand, she's with me in this moment.

"Oh that must of been rough on you, how do you cope with the loneliness?" I once again chuckled, i couldn't reply to the statement seriously even if i tried.

"Well, I don't. I know it's a harsh reality to face but in the end all I can do is feel the pain living within me, all I can do is reminisce on the old days, but hey who am I kidding I'm not lonely I have my fans." The bleached blonde lady shuffled awkwardly, but continued with a smile.

"Now here's something we're all dying to find out, do you see color? Now I-"

"I'm sorry I'm not releasing that information to the public, truly thank you for asking."

"Ah yes, so there's a rumor flying around the web that your holding a contest for your fans, is this true?"

"Yes, yes it is." I knew this would be a bad idea from the start, but there's only so much you can do.

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