12 - emails can often be mistaken for love letters

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To:@ /Keithkogane@pmail.com
From: @/Bluesmusic@pmail.com

Dear Keith,
Thank you for entering our contest! You've been randomly selected as the winner of the "meet blue" contest, in the next coming weeks we will like to organise a time and place for the two of you to get together, and well meet. Please reply as soon as possible with the dates and places you'd like us to meet.


To: @/Bluesmusic@pmail.com
From: @/Keithkogane@pmail.com

Dearest Blue,
Thank you so much for this opportunity. I'm free during the weekends and friday afternoons, if this is an inconvenience I could book a day off of work to come and meet with you. Where are you stationed? Arizona? If so that would be excellent, please get back to me soon with the answers to my questions.



Hello again!
Blue here and I'm sorry to inform you but I'm currently in New York, would you like to stay down here for a night? Or would you prefer to stay in Arizona. If you choose to come here I will organise you a flight and hotel room (first class for my guest) close to my apartment building.

- blue


To Blue,
I believe it'll be easier for me to stay in Arizona due to work complications and other things like that, is that an issue for you?

- Keith Kogane.


Dearest Keith,
That wouldn't be an issue in the slightest, however it will take a little while to organise everything. You said you were free over the weekends correct?



Dearest Blue,
I did infact say that, is that an issue? Also if it isn't as much of an issue I was hoping we could exchange phone numbers, due to the fact that it takes awhile for me to open up your emails due to my emails are full up from my students queries and assignments.

- Keith.


Dearest Keith,
Yes that wouldn't be an issue at all. My contact number is:

*enter number here because I don't know the area code for New York.*

Please, contact me as soon as you get this email.


*message received from unknown number.*

*unknown number*
Hey it's Keith.

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