~ Don't go ~

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3rd person's POV:

About fifteen minutes later the ambulance finally. Two paramedics rushed to Y/N. One of them checked her pulse, while the other got the respirator ready.

Paramedic: Her pulse is really weak! Prepare CPR! – He said and started giving Y/N CPR. The other paramedic connected the respirator to her heart and signaled the other one to stop compressions. They waited for the machine to check her vital, but what came next was beyond anyone's powers... No pulse... Jimin was devastated and so was Yoongi... Both seeing their love slowly leaving this world.

Jm: No baby! Come on! You have to fight! You have to make it! – Jimin kept yelling at her, but nothing changed... Yoongi was not talking, just staring at her lifeless body... He finally moved, getting close to her and whispering into her ears...

Yoongi: Y/N... You just came into my life... Please don't go that quickly... I promise you! I promise you I'll take you away from here! I will make you happy! But please come back to me! – He said with tears rolling down his eyes. And then, in all that silence, the sound of her pulse was heard. It was faint, but it was there... She was alive... She was fighting to stay alive... She opened her eyes, but not for long...She just gave a reassuring smile to Yoongi and then passed out again... But that eye contact was enough to let Yoongi know... Know that when she was okey and on her feet, he would take her away from him... Even though Jimin was his friend, it was what his heart was telling him to do...

Paramedic: Her pulse is back! Hurry! – He said and took Y/N into the ambulance. They left from the scene leaving Jimin and Yoongi back.

Jm: What did you whisper to her?

Yoongi: Not of your business.

Jm: Yoongi! – He yelled and Yoongi stared at him. Not saying anything he got into the car.

Yoongi: Get in! She's more important right now! – He ordered and Jimin followed. They drove off to the hospital. Meanwhile Jimin informed everyone of the situation.

At the hospital

Yoongi and Jimin were waiting impatiently outside the ICU. Neuna came bursting into the hospital. She was a crying mess, but Jungkook tried relaxing her.

Jungkook: Baby girl please be calm! – He said stroking her head, but she didn't listen.

Neuna: What happened? How did it happen?

Yoongi: It was an accident...

N: It's your fault! You did this to her! If it weren't for you! She wouldn't be in there! – She said hitting jimin on his chest. Jungkook grabbed her, forcing himself between them and took her away.

Jm: It is my fault! If it wasn't for me that night, everything would be different. – He said and suddenly the doctor came into the room.

Yoongi: How is she doctor?

Doctor: I'm sorry to inform you, but she is in a coma... - Everyone dropped their faces.

Jimin: How long will this last?

Doctor: I'm afraid I can't say... It can last from two days to months, even years. I'm really sorry... - With that he left. Yoongi was boiling inside, but couldn't control it anymore. He grabbed Jimin by his collar and pinned him on the wall.

Yoongi: This is all because of you!! If she doesn't wake up prepare yourself! Because I'll be the one to kill you!

Tae: Yoongi! What the fuck! – Tae interrupted separating them.

Yoongi: I'm warning you Park Jimin! I will not let you ruin her any longer!

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