A New Beginning

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Hello, Hello! Welcome to the newest chapter! As always, I would like to thank my family, The Forgotten Gods, for helping me come up with ideas for this one!  Also, In case you didn't know, this story has a discord! Message me if you would like to join, and I'll send you the invite!

One more thing, I have 2 new stories!! I have poured my heart and soul into these, and I hope you come to enjoy them as much as you enjoy this one! With new stories, however, comes a new updating schedule! So, it goes like this. Mondays- No Rose is Without Its Thorns, Wednesdays- The Universe Lies Docile in Your Eyes, and Saturdays- A Venomous Mind. No Rose is Without Its Thorns already has two posted chapters, so if you have time, please go check it out! A Venomous Mind's first chapter will release this Saturday, and I really hope you guys like it! I worked really, really hard on these new stories and I hope you guys like them! Anyways, on with the story!

       Izuku laid in the hospital bed, squinting at the wall. He saw it. He actually saw it. Or, at least the... outline? His new sight wasn't anything like what he had had as a young child, and that wasn't super normal, apparently. He could see the profile of the objects in his small hospital room, but there was no color. Instead, the white outlines rested on the blank dark gray that haunted his vision when he was blind. That was okay, though. What he had now was spectacular. He could look around a room and tell where everything was along with what it was and the size of it. He could see beyond that, too. He could see all the objects in the room next to him as well, and if he concentrated hard enough, he could see everything in all the rooms in the hospital. That hurt his head, though, so he didn't do it. What he was most excited about, however, was the ability to see other living beings again. They kind of looked like balls of a distinctly colored light when far away or if he didn't focus on them, but if he did, he could see them. He could see the outline of every detail if he really tried, and he could see a colored outline around the person, but that also left him with a headache. He cried a lot when he saw Aizawa for the first time, his scary dark purple aura and all. His savior looked almost exactly how he had imagined, and it made him very happy. So, so happy.

He knew things were different. He knew. He could feel silences in Aizawa's presence. He knew he wasn't the same, but he felt like it wasn't a bad change. He had a quirk that his body had produced itself, and it made him ecstatic. It wasn't an evil quirk and it couldn't hurt others. He loved it. He knew Aizawa didn't trust it, but he would come around.

The new quirk was tiring, however. He could only use it for an hour or two before he got a migraine, but it was worth it. He could see. In all honesty, however, Izuku wasn't truly as excited as he let on. He didn't really want the new quirk, but he had it and he was probably expected to be happy about it. He kept the quirk in the forefront of his mind as a distraction from that night and from the voices that haunted him from the memories of the incident. By focussing on using his new quirk, he could forget about the horrors that haunted him. He still wasn't allowed to see Yamada, which scared him a lot. Aizawa assured him that he was alive and getting better, but it didn't help. If he wasn't dead or close to it, why couldn't Izuku see him?

A small voice in the back of his head told him it was because Yamada didn't want to see him. It told him that Yamada hated him. It made sense. He had been hurt because of him, and they were in danger of being attacked at any time thanks to his presence. When they first took him in, they said it didn't matter, but that had to have changed. Yamada almost died. They had two dead bodies tainting their home. Both were caused by him. Any sane person would give him up to the government, he knew that. He wouldn't be angry or upset when they did, he had no right to be. He put them in danger, and that wasn't okay.

Footsteps echoed behind his door, causing him to jump. He sighed at his own reaction, knowing that his jumpiness at the sound of steps would, unfortunately, most likely become a permanent part of his life. His door opened and he focused on his eyes, flicking his quirk on. The familiar pang hit and soon he could once again see his surroundings. He looked to Aizawa as he entered the room and noted the immediate sense of... unease. He made his way over and stood at the foot of his hospital bed, arms locked at his sides. He was upset. Izuku sighed. It was time. It would be okay, though. The villains wouldn't hurt them anymore.

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