taegi book idea

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Ah~ a story idea I had. If you want to use it, please credit me?

I originally would have called it 'Nude' but call it whatever lol



"What is it, Yoongi-hyung?"

"I need to get laiiid!"


"N- I know you don't want to hear about it, but.. I just need to talk to someone about it! I've tried getting in relationships, but- they never want to keep up with me. They don't have the drive that I have!"

Namjoon rolled his eyes. He was over at Yoongi's house, laying on his bed. He was used to his best friend, who was waking around, completely naked. To be fair, it was pretty warm today. But either way. He wasn't afraid to be naked in front of anyone. His parents never taught him that most people were embarrassed to be seen like that.

They probably had some nudist lifestyle back in the 70's or something.

"Anyways- I'm still moving in with your older brother, correct?"

"As far as I know."

Namjoon and Yoongi have been best friends for almost their entire lives. Namjoons older brother, Taehyung, was about eight years older than Yoongi. He never got to know Taehyung very well, as he was so much older.

Now he was 28 and living the dream. Yoongi was just 20, and wanting a roommate to help him get going in life. When he had raised his concerns to Namjoon, he immediately mentioned that his brother was looking for a roommate. He didn't need one, but he disliked living alone.

Yoongi agreed, knowing how highly his best friend spoke of his brother. Taehyung agreed because of how highly Namjoon spoke of Yoongi.

It was a win-win.


"Okay, hyung.. are you all set?"

"Yes Namjoon, I'm fine. Go back home. I'll text you later."

"Just don't get lost, okay?"

"Ugh, I'll be fine!" Yoongi whined, pushing Namjoon out. His best friend was late to his classes. He was smart enough to have skipped a few grades, and was in college at 18.

Once Namjoon left, Yoongi looked around the house. Taehyung wanted a roommate as to not be alone. It was less of a roommate, and more of a housemate. This house was huge.

After admiring the place, Yoongi decided to take a shower. He was all sweaty from moving all the boxes to his room.

After showering, he stood in his room, organizing his things. He liked a clean room, and he wanted to make sure it was organized.

Just as he finished, he heard a knock on his bedroom door. Taehyung must have gotten home.

"Come in!"

The door opened, and Yoongi turned around.

"Wh- fuck, I'm sorry!" Taehyung barely made it into the room, before he backed out, and closed the door.

Shit, Yoongi forgot he was naked.

"Oh- fuck! Sorry about that!" Yoongi called, and quickly got dressed. He was so used to Namjoon, and Namjoon didn't care.

He left his room, and found Taehyung standing in the hallway, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Well shit, Kim Taehyung was larger than he remembered. He must have been working out.

"I'm s-sorry about that. I, Ah.. I don't really get embarrassed from being naked in front of people? I walk around naked a lot. Sorry. I'll stop."

Taehyung didn't know what to think. He had no doubt that Yoongi was a very nice individual. But Taehyung, a gay individual, had to deal with this? Yoongi was fucking hot! Now he had to deal with an attractive housemate along with his fast-paced sex life? This will not go well.

"Don't worry about it. I wasn't expecting that. You don't need to- uh, stop doing that, if you're used to it. It would not be nice of me to make you stop. I'll get used to it, I was just shocked."

What the fuck, Taehyung? You're just screwing yourself over!

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