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Jungkook held onto Yoongi's hand, a smile on his face. He loved his boyfriend with his whole heart.

They were currently out on a date, Yoongi bringing him to their favorite places. The two didn't have many times to do things like this, so when they did, they made the most of it.

Yoongi was a police officer, who worked his ass off, always working long shifts and coming back home absolutely drained. Jungkook worked as a receptionist in a large company, always dealing with entitled people who don't make appointments, or frazzled associates and rude executives.

It was a rare weekend they had off, and after a good nights sleep, they went out for the evening.

Yoongi loved treating Jungkook, having an absolute soft spot for the younger man. He took him to their favorite ramen place, both filling up on noodles and soup. That shop had the best ramen, hands down.

After that, they were walking around the shopping district, window shopping, and looking at various things they liked. They hadn't bought much, but they didn't need much. Neither of them were too interested in buying things just to buy them.

Yoongi pulled Jungkook to a store, talking about an item they sold, that he wanted to look at. Jungkook didn't mind. He was happy to make Yoongi happy. However, before they entered the store, another storefront caught Jungkook's eye.

"Hm, baby?" Jungkook spoke, looking at his hyung.


"While you look at that, can I go look in that store? If I'm done first, I'll text you and come find you here." Not that he needed permission, but it's not like he was going to randomly leave his boyfriend, and he wanted to make sure he was fine.

Yoongi nodded, "Sounds good baby. Be safe," He said, and pressed his lips to Jungkooks, letting go of his hand.

Jungkook felt his stomach flutter, and kissed back. He walked off to the new store, and walked inside. This store sold all types of kitchen appliances, and him and Yoongi were in need of a few. Mainly a mixer, as theirs just recently died. Jungkook was thinking of maybe getting a stand up one, as they tend to last longer. Of course, he wouldn't buy one tonight, as he didn't want to lug it around, but he was looking.

He walked to the kitchenaid mixers, looking at the variety they offered. He wanted just a normal one, seeing the average price is around $300. Pricey, but it was quality, and would last so long. He sighed, and knew he would talk it over with Yoongi. He would agree, as they did have money saved up, but that was still a lot of money.

Jungkook browsed around a bit more, deciding on the color he wanted, and took a picture to show Yoongi later. He nodded to the store attendant, and left the store. As he started walking back, he looked at his phone to see if Yoongi had texted him. He hadn't, so Jungkook started to type out a message.

Before he was halfway through his message, his arm was yanked, and he was pulled into an alley.

Jungkook started to speak, but a hand was placed over his mouth, hindering him from making a noise.


Taehyung laid on the floor of the office, occasionally making whining noises, much like a child would. He looked up to see his boss, as well as occasional sex parter. His name was Kim Seokjin, though everyone called him Kim, or Kim boss. Besides Taehyung. Nothing would get him to call him Kim. He would usually call him master, to piss him off in public, or Jinnie. It took a long time, but the man eventually grew a small soft spot for the insane male. Only Taehyung was allowed to call him that.

They fucked every once in a while, though there were no romantic feelings involved. Taehyung wasn't capable of that type of feeling, and neither was Jin. Taehyung was clinically insane. He had performed a number of crimes, before being placed in a psych ward. Jin was curious about the boy, and used his influence to get a hold of his records. Once seeing those, it was only a matter of time before he got the younger man out of the ward.

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