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Yoongi laughed as Hoseok ran ahead of him, excited about their next task. They were best friends, ever since childhood. Hoseok was so energetic, having enough pep for the both of them. Yoongi was a bit tamer, but was still energetic at times.

Hoseok turned to look at Yoongi, his bright smile lighting up his face.

"Hyung! Come on!" Yoongi laughed, catching up with Hoseok, who grabbed his hand. It wasn't uncommon for them to hold hands. More or less making sure Yoongi kept up with Hoseok. At least to Yoongi, that's what it meant.

They were on their way to get some supplies for a project they are paired up for in class. The two were in their final year of college, and in one of their final classes, they were paired up for a project. They were supposed to make a song. They had been writing songs together for years, and technically already had the project done. They just wanted to re-record it, polish it up. So they were at a music supply store, grabbing a few things.

When they finished, Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's shirt. "Hey! Can we stop by my work? I want to introduce you-" Hoseok interrupted him, as he was getting a call on his phone.

"Hello? Hi! Oh no.. Yes I can. Okay, I will be there soon." He hung up, a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry, hyung. My mom called, and is having some trouble. I will call you later though?" He pulled Yoongi into a tight hug, then left, leaving Yoongi in the middle of a mall.

Yoongi sighed, and shrugged. He brought his bags out to his car, and drove to his work. He worked at a flower shop. He didn't work today, but his boyfriend did. He wanted to introduce Hoseok to his boyfriend. The two of them had been friends for years, and is only hope was that Hoseok liked his boyfriend.

He pulled into the parking lot, turning off his car. He took in a deep breath, a smile on his face. Yoongi got out of the car, locking it as he walked to the door.

When he walked into the shop, he could see his boyfriend at the counter. Kim Taehyung. He was a couple years older than Yoongi, and he owned the store. He had a passion for botany and jazz music, and showering his boyfriend in love. The amount of custom(and highly expensive) bouquets he has received was a number he refused to share. He wasn't sure how Taehyung hadn't spent all of his money on them at this point. He would custom order rare flowers from all over, just to make a display for Yoongi.

Taehyung was helping a customer, but looked up as the door opened, the bell above the door ringing with the entrance. A huge smile made its way onto his face when he saw who it was. He finished helping the customer, thanking her for his business.

Yoongi nodded his head at the customer, and made his way behind the counter. Taehyung pulled Yoongi into a hug, his much larger body covering Yoongi in warmth. Yoongi practically melted at this.

"How was your day, my dear?" He asked, pulling away from Yoongi, and pressing his lips to Yoongi's.

"Ah, it was good. I wanted to bring Hoseok here but his mother needed some help."

Taehyung nodded. They had been dating for a while, and he had yet to meet Hoseok. Though, from everything Yoongi said about him, he sounded lovely.

"Well thats too bad. I would love to meet him. How about that project?"

"Ah, well he will call me later. Do you mind if he comes over?" They had been dating for almost a year. It was almost comical that Hoseok hadn't been introduced to Taehyung yet. Every single time, either Taehyung or Hoseok was busy. The two had moved in a couple months ago, as Yoongi needed space for a studio, and his apartment was small, and Taehyung owned a much larger place.

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