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Venus was hunched down in fear as she stared at the ominous white building.  Panic gripped her heart, as a flood of memories came rushing back.   She hoped to never see that place of torment again, but there she was crouched in the brush that lined the forest's edge.  

"It's all you from here on out," Layla whispered.

"That's a problem," Venus admitted as she turned to look at Layla.  "I wasn't the one that led us out, Pepa was."

"Surely you know the layout of the building, right.  you grew up in there."

Venus shook her head, "I only know the layout of the areas I was allowed in and most of those are from any entrance or exit.  Plus, that place is huge.  I have no idea where they would be keeping Cas."

"Well, that's comforting," Layla huffed. "So this was basically a suicide mission?"

Venus nods, "This was a suicide mission.  I didn't want Cas to die alone.  You need to go back to your family, and tell Mars I'm sorry."

"Venus," Layla started to say as she shook her head.

"Please, Layla. "

Layla gave her a determined scowl, "I'm not leaving you.  We are going to go in there.  We are going to find Cas.  And we are going to get out.  I'm not about to tell Mars that I just left you here to die.  I'm not going to sit and watch your two kids grow up without a mom, knowing that I didn't do everything in my power to get her home to them."

Venus sighed knowing there was no way she was going to shake her, "Alright then,  I'm guessing we should start with the isolation rooms.  That's where I was before Pepa got us out. It's the easiest way to keep Cas monitored, and alone...I think."

"Way to be positive," Layla sarcastically replied.

"Pepa brought us out of those loading docs, but they are alarmed.  The moment the door opens everyone in the facility will know we're there."

"How do you propose we get in then?"

Venus shrugs, "Your guess is as good as mine."

Layla bit her lip as she scanned the area, "Maybe we should circle the perimeter.  It'll at least give us an idea of the layout."

Venus nodded in agreement and she joking said, "Too bad, we can't pose as a couple wanting to buy an infant.  we'd be able to walk right through the front doors."

Layla chuckled, "Several problems with that.  We are obviously MBs,  which aren't allowed to purchase infants.  We don't have proof that we bought an infant licence.  And then, there is the fact that everyone in this place probably knows your face."

"It was a nice thought though," Venus added.

"Hey," Layla quickly stopped and pointed to a side door at the Cube.  "Who needs the front door when these idiots leave one propped open."

Layla was a point to a maintenance door that had a plain white bucket propping it open.  There didn't seem to be anyone insight and the opportunity seemed perfect.

"It's awfully convenient," Venus sceptically replied. 

"Convenient or not, it's a literal open door.  Come on," Layla said tugging on Venus's arm, but she didn't budge.

"This doesn't seem like a good idea," she warned.

"V, we have until sunrise, which isn't far off.  If we are going to make an attempt to save Cas we need to move now.  Unless you have a better plan on how to get inside."

Unfortunately, Venus didn't have a better idea, and she knew Layla was right.  They were running out of time.  If they were going to make an attempt to save Cas it was now or never.

The two girls hurried across the open lawn, with only the cover of night to hide them.  When they got to the door they slowly crept up on it.  Before going in the both listened for voices, or the shuffling of feet, on the other side.  But all was quiet.  Venus took a quick peek inside to find a completely empty hallway.  Nothing about this seemed right.  She knew that The Cube's security was strict, but maybe she and Layla got lucky.  Maybe a careless maintenance man left the door propped open on his break and forgot to shut it.  

Once inside the carefully made their way down the long hall, careful not to make a sound to alert anyone that they were there.  Venus tried to figure out where they were in the Cube, but this part of the facility seemed foreign to her.  She knew it was an area that was off-limits to any Breeders.  

The Cube was a maze of hallways, but Venus tried to not let that fact overwhelm her. She knew the general direction that they needed to head and if she kept heading eastward, she should end up in the isolation part of the facility.  

The part of the Cube the girls were in was unusually deserted.   It put Venus on edge but seemed to relax Layla, "This is going to be easier than I thought."

Venus didn't answer her and only continued on their path.  It was as if something was guiding her along the way.  Doors that should have required security clearance were propped open and halls Venus knew should have had guards were completely deserted. 

Venus stopped in her tracks and turned to whisper to Layla, "You need to go.  I have a really bad feeling about this."

"I already told you, I'm not leaving, besides even if I wanted to turn back I have no idea how to get back outside," Layla told her.

Venus shook her head and looked around, "This is a trap."

"You're just being paranoid.  Everything will be fine, Layla told her nudging her on.

Venus took a step back from Layla and eyed her sceptically.  

"What?  Come on, we don't have a lot of time."

Venus scowled, "What have you done?"

Layla froze for a moment before she stood up straight, "I'm sorry, V, it's wasn't anything personal.  I swear."

"WE'RE HERE!" Layla called out.  Guards seemed to file out of every room along the hallway.

"How could you do this?"

"To get her brother back," a familiar voice behind her said.  

A chill ran up her spine when she turned to see Danielson behind her.  

"Isn't it amazing the loyalty she has for a brother that isn't even a blood relative?  I suppose it's the same loyalty that brought you here to save your friend," Danielson chuckled.  "But he said with a sigh, turning his attention back to Layla, "I seem to be missing a Breeder and two infants."

"Dead, all of them.  Mars was killed in a hunting accident and the babies didn't make it to full term.  Now, where is my brother?"

Danielson's jaw tightened, "My informant told you that you could have your brother back if you delivered the Breeders and the infants."

"Your informant assumed the others are alive...they aren't.  I brought you what's left.  Now, where is my brother?"

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