The Second Meeting

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"Sam! You came!" Stephen greeted me as I was escorted to a larger table ahead. We were at one of the famous celebrity-owned restaurants in the city. I was invited just through a call this afternoon by Stephen Woolley's assistant for a dinner. I suspected Stephen already has made a decision on the film manuscript I wrote.

But Stephen was not alone. There were his bespectacled assistant, a lot of famous actors and actresses I knew and didn't know, some producers, Phyllis Nagy herself, and on the last one beside the empty seat, Rooney Mara.

Rooney Mara. My heart literally skipped a beat as I walked towards her. She looked just as beautiful as always.

"We meet again, Samantha," Rooney said as I sat on the empty seat beside her.

"Please, Miss Mara, you can call me Sam," I replied, smiling from ear to ear. I must have been smiling like crazy.

"Oh, please, then you can call me Rooney," she said as she took a sip from her wine glass.

The night went on as they started discussing about the film, other films, and other people. But I could not stop thinking about the fact that Rooney was beside me at that very moment.

I still have not forgiven Adam for putting me in that awkward position yesterday, and I really prayed that if ever Mr. Woolley would accept me, he wouldn't do that on the set, where I would have to face Rooney Mara again and relive the embarrassment from yesterday.

"You're awfully quiet, Sam," Rooney began talking. I must have choked on my salad.

I laughed nervously. "I really am not talkative," I replied as I adjusted my glasses on the bridge of my nose.

Rooney smiled and whispered, "These things terrify me."

Then I got confused. "What things?"

She sipped on her glass then she answered, "You know, this kind of social events."

I looked at others who were still discussing gleefully some of the award nights to come in the future. It was only then that I noticed that Rooney and I was practically left alone in the table with nothing to contribute into the conversation.

As the dinner ended, Stephen finally caught up with me by the door, probably having completely forgotten I was there.

"Miss Samantha, about your manuscript, I have taken a consideration in endorsing it to my Company, if you're still willing after all those mindless chit-chatters this evening."

"Oh my god, Mr. Woolley, that's... that's spectacular, I don't know what to say," I stuttered.

"Oh, bless you, child, it will probably sink in tomorrow," he said as he kissed on my cheek goodbye. "I'll let my assistant inform you on the other details." Then he left to say goodbye to others.

"Sweet, isn't he?" Rooney said out of nowhere. I turned around and I could see her under a large brown turtle neck jacket, the one that's covering her mouth and nose. She was even wearing a huge black hat. I didn't see that one coming.

"Why are you wearing that?" I asked, so silly of me.

"I'm walking home," Rooney replied. "Care to join me?" Then she went ahead the street side, with no soul noticing who she was.

I ran to catch up with her. The night was chilly yet still alive in New York City even at that hour.

"So this is your getup then?" I asked, catching my breath.

Rooney gave a small laugh. "Getup? Is that what you kids use today?"

I laughed too. I was really silly. Slightly nervous now, but still stupid.

I Loved You First (A Rooney Mara Fanfiction) GXGWhere stories live. Discover now