Chapter 5: Red Box

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"You are freaking crazy it's kinda hot" he smirks

"Thanks but your forgetting I will be your step sister in less than a week," You say getting off the bike laughing

"I guess a week it is," Jonah says slowly stepping towards you

You were concerned about what he was doing until...

Recap. ^

It's like time slows down and he starts to lean in. You could feel he breathe pass over your face as he moves over towards your ear. 

"I guarantee that you will fall for me in less than a week." He says smiling as he walks over to Target. 

You stand there shocked then you laugh at yourself because you thought that you could never fall for your step brother that's gross. 

You laugh even more and grab the keys out of the ignition then run over to Jonah who was opening the Target doors. 

"Your funny Jonah", you say laughing at his face

"That's what your saying now but watch" he smirks and walks over to the snack Isle.

"The boys wanted anything and the girls wanted candy." You say grabbing Hot Cheetos, Doritos, Lays, Chocolate, gummy bears, Takis, Gushers, and Tajin.     

Jonah ran to go grab a basket. He came back running past the Isle at first then came back with a tub of ice cream. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't resist plus who doesn't love ice cream." He says with a oops face then starts laughing at me because of my serious mom face.

"stop stupid" You say wheezing at him laughing.

You guys end up laughing until your stomachs hurt at how reckless Jonah is. You both had red faces and were still laughing until a stranger walked down the Isle. You both stood up quickly and turned your face semi-serious. The stranger walks up to us and smiles.

"You guys remind me of me of my wife and I when we were teens. Cute couple." The stranger said.

"Oh sir-" you start until Jonah interrupts you 

"Thank you sir" Jonah smiles at the stranger then walks away leaving me shocked.

You run after him with the basket in your hand and from behind you can see him laughing. You were about to catch up to him when some girl ran into you.

"Um excuse me watch where your going." She looks you up and down then gives you a death glare.

"You weren't even looking up when you ran into me. You were so into your phone. So the conclusion is it's your fault." You say kinda angered on how this girl came at me.

"Do you know who your talking to?" She said as she puts her arms at her sides.

"Obviously a nobody." I crouch down picking up the snacks.

"I probably make more money than you." she says so proudly

You make a zero with your hands, "This is how many fucks are given" You say with a serious face then walk off laughing.

She gasps at my comment then turns around and stares me down like I took her mom or something. Jonah walks over to me but looks back at that girl then grabs my arm and walks away very fast. We speed walk until we were on the other side of the damn store which was irrelevant. 
"Why did you drag me all the way across the store?" I question annoyed 

"What did you say to that girl?" Jonah asks nervously

"Basically that she should watch out where she's going and that I don't care how much she makes" You say laughing at the image of her stunned face in your head.

"whoops" Jonah says pacing back and forth

"What?" You question

"That was Loren Grey she's kinda obsessed with Zach so if she Hit's you up don't say anything." Jonah explains

" I'll have mercy on Zach's soul and keep quite. Jonah who am I gonna tell I have no friends out here." I say laughing at my sad remark

"Oh yeah I forgot." He says rubbing the back of his neck

"Well let's grab the movie we've been here long enough." You say walking toward the cashier.

Jonah takes the basket from you and runs to the cashier.

"what the hell" You whisper while watching Jonah run.

He pulls out his card and looks at you then the cashier.

"NO" You shout across the store and start running 

Jonah starts laughing and people stare at us. By the time I got to Jonah the cashier took the card. The store was huge people were in my way so I couldn't get there fast enough.

"I wasn't gonna let you pay for this." Jonah says laughing as if it was obvious.

"Well you didn't have to I have money too" I say walking past the bag.

 Jonah grabbed the bag but you were already at the red box making sure he couldn't pay for it. You quickly grabbed "Blockers" And slid your card. 

You turned around and Jonah was towering over you smiling. He put his hands on each side of you. You were so close to each other. It was a moment until it was interrupted by 3 girls.

"Um excuse me can I get a movie" Jonah turned around annoyed and seen that it was Loren and 2 other girls.

She was shocked to see Jonah. Jonah whipped back towards me and whispered in my ear.

"take the bag, run to the bike, and honk when your in front be ready to speed off" Jonah whisper laughs.

You do exactly what Jonah says. You grab the bag out of his hand smile and start to run off which is kinda hard because you were wearing Fila disruptor sandals. You walk out of the store to be smacked in the face with cold air. You run to where you parked the bike then stuck the key in the ignition and drove to the front. 

I could see through the glass that he was obviously uncomfortable. I laugh at his awkward position with Loren. She was getting closer and closer to him as if she was gonna make a move, to get back at me roasting her earlier. Then I revved my bike. Jonah quickly ran out of the store while Loren followed behind him. I threw him the helmet. He caught it easily and put it on. Loren saw me and realized I was the one from earlier. She was smirking but I don't know why. Jonah grabbed the bag and hopped on the back. 

Her friends rushed out with there phones out. I think they were recording.  I smirked back at her then sped off. We were speeding all the way back home. The traffic wasn't that bad. As we passed the LA night sky we felt more and more connected by the minute. 

'Maybe he isn't that bad' you thought as you arrived in the drive way.

Everyone obviously heard you because they came rushing outside.

"Where were you guys?" Corbyn asks

"You've been gone for an hour" Esther says as you grab the key out of the ignition.

You both stare at each other then start laughing. Everyone looked at you confused.

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