Chapter 15: Blanket Race

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As soon as all the boys passed me I started running behind them as I was looking back at Loren. I obviously wasn't thinking because I never looked in front of me and then the next thing I remember is me tripping, screaming and then black.


I finally woke up after what felt like an eternity. My eyes flickered open and with that came a massive headache. I kept blinking my eyes because the light was irritating.

I looked around to see that I was laying in my bed. Each of the boys were sitting at the end of my bed playing a game of monopoly.

"Please don't roll another double. Please." Zach whispered as he blew on the dice for good luck.

I snuck over as soon as he rolled the dice to see if it was a double. It was. Shortly after that followed Zach flipping the board because he didn't want to go to jail.

As everyone moved back and laughed they noticed that I was awake.

"Hey strangers" I groan in a raspy voice

"Raspy voice hottt" Daniel said before the boys started laughing and throwing him around for his comment.

"You hit your head pretty hard. Did you forget that there was 2 steps when coming into the house? Because it definitely looked like it." Jonah says as he light heartedly laughed at me.

"Apparently" I say rubbing my head and laughing too

I looked around and noticed that Loren was nowhere to be seen. Last thing I remember was her being in the pool when we made our run for safety.

"Where's Loren?" I ask as I pull the covers off of me and get up

"She's down stairs. She said she wanted to make up for being such a bitc-" Jack explains but cuts himself off before finishing his curse word.

Corbyn looks at him and walks out of the run to come back with a jar that had a piece of paper duct taped to it reading "naughty words". Jack pulls out 5 bucks and throws it in the jar.

"Goodbye Subway sandwich" He sighs as Corbyn walks off with the jar.

"It's gonna be okay buddy. " Daniel says as he starts to fake cry with Jack.

I sigh at there funeral of jacks sandwich and walk down stairs to see Loren cooking chicken noodles soup. It smelled quite appetizing and didn't reek of poison.

As I walked down the stairs the boys shortly stumbled down the steps right after me. We all stopped at the end of the stairs to see Loren come out of the kitchen.

She looked happy. Pure. Ready to make amends. She was smiling with a big spoon in one hand, hair tied up in a messy bun and PJ's on. It looked like a new chapter waiting to start.

"I made some soup. I felt bad for what happened earlier. I was acting out of place and it wasn't right for me to threaten you guys like that. I went home and grabbed a bag of clothes then stopped by the store for some groceries. I was really hoping that I could show you guys the real Loren. She's total opposite of sheltered Loren. I don't like to show my soft side to people because it makes me feel like I'm easy to hurt and get at. I don't ever know who to really trust and try to be friends with anymore. I was hoping you guys would allow me to do that with you. I'm really sorry and was thinking that my soup and a hug can slightly make up for it." She says as she slowly opens her arms for a slight hug

At that moment I realized that Loren was telling the truth. I could tell by the look in her eyes. It seemed so real and pure.

I went against my gut telling me not to and I walked up to her and in took her hug. It was warm and she really smelled like chicken soup.

"You smell like soup. " I said as I laughed and slowly let go do the hug.

We all laughed. The boys high-fived her which was making progress because before all of this they wouldn't even go near her without being terrified.

Loren led us into the kitchen to see the table set with 7 bowls of steaming hot chicken noodle soup. The boys smiled and ran to the table to pick their seats.

Loren and I sat next to each other. All through out the 2 hours of us sitting, talking, laughing and getting more bowls of soup we really learned a lot about each other. It felt like we were becoming one big family. Especially me and Jonah.

He was going to be family soon and there was nothing that I could do about it. I was happy that my mom and his dad found each other. I never had a big family or siblings for a matter of fact. Conjoining with the Marais's was the next big step in life for me and my mom.

The feelings for Jonah will always be greater then friends. I've learned that very quickly. It's just doesn't feel right though. I just need to sit down and talk to him about it. Alone.

After everyone finished their last bowl of the night we sat there quite with our bellies being filled with a the warm liquid of some legendary soup. At least until Corbyn broke the silence.

"Movie time losers! Go grab your pillows and blankets because I have a good movie for tonight"

As soon as Corbyn finished we all pushed out our chairs super fast and ran to the closet. We were all racing for the big fluffy grey blanket. It was the best blanket to in the house.

Whoever got it first was the luckiest person of the night because they got to fall asleep in the worlds softest blankets. When I say the worlds softest blanket I am not over exaggerating. It is truly the best.

Jack was in the lead until Zach tackled him to the ground. Then came Corbyn. He leaped over the two clowns on the floor just to be tripped by Jonah. Jonah was about to reach the closet when Daniel slid in front of him. Daniel tried to cover the door handle from Jonah so he could open the closet first but they ended up falling on each other.

I made sure to lay back in last in the beginning because they did the same thing yesterday. I learned from my mistakes yesterday.

{flashback to yesterday}

I was in the lead to get to blanket when I felt someone sweep my legs from under me and body slam me on the couch. It was Jonah of course. Just older brother things.

I pushed him off and tried to make another run for the closet but Jack and Zach lightly tackled me to the ground. They piled on me until I stopped trying to go against their wishes. I just gave up at that point. I was not about to loose a leg for a blanket tonight.

{back to present time}

As soon as I had a clear shot to the closet I bolted as fast as I could and opened the closet. I could see the glorious blanket sitting right in front of my eyes. It was the greatest moment ever.

As I leaned to grabbed the blanket all the boys screamed in slo motion. BAM! VICTORY!!! I had won the blanket for the night. I turned around and bowed for everyone

"In your faces losers! " I yelled as I was towards the couch to plop myself down comfortably.

They all got up to go get another choice of blanket. So I sat and waited patiently. I was looking around when I saw an old man peeking through a window. I shoved my blanket off of me and screamed. I ran over to Loren and the boys.

"What happens?!" Loren asks confused AF

"There's someone in the window!" I say scared to death.

Shortly after I finished my sentence. We heard the same glass window break.

Ooooooooooooo. What do you think will happen?! Sorry I lagged so hard on the post. I wanted to make it good. I really hope you enjoyed it. Thank you guys for all of the love and support shown to my story. Hopefully I can post again soon!


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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