Chapter 6: Finish the Job

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"Where were you guys?" Corbyn asks

"You've been gone for an hour" Esther says as you grab the key out of the ignition.

You both stare at each other then start laughing. Everyone looked at you confused.

Recap ^

You and Jonah walk inside still kinda laughing. Jonah sets your helmet on the table by the door. As you guys walk over to the kitchen with the bag everyone else comes into the kitchen still confused. 

"So why were you gone so long?" Svea asked

You and Jonah look at each other then shrug.

"I guess we lost track of time" Jonah slightly laughs at his statement

"BS" Daniel starts

"We just got a little carried away with the trip" You say as you grab the ice cream out of the bag.

You and Jonah catch eye contact and start laughing again. You thought back to how Jonah grabbed the ice cream,how Loren ran into you and your red box moment. You start to blush at the thought of that moment. 

"A lot happened to be honest, we fooled around and we ran into your stalker Loren." You say gesturing toward Zach trying not to laugh again.

"Your lying right?" Zach says looking kinda worried

"No joke dude. She ran into y/n and Y/n roasted her." Jonah said laughing

"Did she follow you here?" Zach questions as he runs to peak out the window

"Zach trust me we sped off" You say grabbing the snacks and heading towards the living room.

Everyone follows behind me and finds their spots as Zach continues to peek through the windows. Everyone gets situated except for Zach. You put the disk in then grab the remote. You turn on the TV as you head back to your spot next to Svea and Esther on one side and Daniel and Jonah on the other. Everyone was scattered across the couch 

"Zach come on i'm about to start the movie" You say flopping into your blankets.

He looks one more time then runs over to us and plops on the floor with his pillows and blankets. You start the movie. It started off funny and got even funnier as the movie went on. You didn't notice until half way through the movie that Jonah was moving closer and closer towards you. But You didn't know how he was gonna get past the boys sitting next to me.

The movie kinda gets boring so you hop up to go to the kitchen and grab a Juice. You were about to open the fridge but you heard foot steps coming into the kitchen. You couldn't tell who it was because you didn't turn on the light.  Their footsteps got closer and closer until you felt a hand grip the side of your face. Next thing you know you felt someone elses warm lips against yours. After a lustful 5 seconds they pull away and whisper into your ear.

 "I wanted to finish this at the red box but I believe we got interrupted" Jonah's relaxing voice whispered

He moved back and started walking back towards the living room. I was kinda shocked but low key happy. Was I falling for my soon to be Step Brother? That couldn't happen my mom would not marry his dad if she thought she was stopping me and Jonah.

Sorry it's kinda short today I'll be posting tomorrow too.

-Heavy like a ford

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