The begining

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Welcome to my story! Just wanted to say thank you for choosing my story to read and a few disclaimers before we start,
I do not own the rights to these characters, or any of the photos I use. I edited the cover image out of another art piece I found to fit the theme.
This is an AU (alternate universe) and so some things will be changed and compromised.
This is a Klance story, Klance is a ship from Voltron Legendary Defender on Netflix and is boy x boy so if you have a problem with that please go away.
This story may contain smut I have no idea where I'm going to go with it so be prepared.
Thank you and on with the story.

Someone special once told me that my freckles look like the constellations that splatter over the night sky. Now every time I look up at the stars all I can think of is that statement. Feelings that I've never felt before are tied to that one evening, on that one day, like an anchor stuck to a small bottle. It sinks to the bottom of my mind and roots itself there, refusing to go anywhere. That special someone probably doesn't even know how much it meant to me... and I wonder if he ever will, but god how I love to go back and reminisce in those memories. The memories of the events that pushed the rock down the cliff.

It was a cold evening, the clouds covered the sky like a grey duvet over the mattress of the land. The sea air rushed past my house by the bay like race cars on a nascar race track. I stepped outside onto the porch that led to the beach, the beach I was actually forbidden to go to since it was rocky. But I loved going to it. The ocean, the waves, the air, the sky, the sand underneath my toes, it was all so comforting to me. Most people would wonder why a 16, soon to be 17 year old boy wasn't in school, or why they were so obsessed with the beach. That beach is where I spent all of my free time, it was an amazing star gazing spot. Plus I could go to it whenever I had the chance to sneak out of the house, since my house was right on the edge of the cliff the contained the rich sand. It was an old Victorian style house that was rickety and the paint was pealing off from age.

I walked down a thin dirt path that led down to the cliff side, I carefully place my feet on the rocks and climbed down the rock slide that was about the height of 10 thick pillows stacked on top of each other like building blocks. The slippery rocks slowly fade away to the prickly sand. The sand slid onto the platform of my sandals and rivered their way through my toes. I ran to the shore line and inhaled a huge gulp of air, then exhaled and sat down on the beach. The ocean water tried desperately to reach my crossed legs but I sat just out of reach for them to succeed. After a small moment of quiet with me and the crashing waves, I decided I should take a walk. I turned right and walked at a small pace away from my house. It had been a while before I realized how far I had actually gone, and it was already dark. The crackle of a fire pulls my attention. I look over a mound of rocks to find a group of people who look about my age, huddled around a fire with red solo cups full of liquid. Most are laughing and talking with one another, all expect one boy who sat on a log. He was smiling and occasionally adding his own comments but for the most part he stayed quiet, sipping out of his own cup. He had raven black hair that was cut in a mullet, illuminated by the fire embers. His eyes shone like dark pools in the middle of the ocean. I turned my attention to the other 3 people who sat with him. A girl with fawn hair cut short in a pixie. She wore green and had big round glasses. Next to her a bigger boy with a yellow bandanna tied around his forehead, he had dark skin and dark brown, almost black hair parted in the middle. The third girl had big puffy silver hair, pulled back messily into a ponytail. She had strange looking tattoos just under her eyes, and a turtle neck coloured light blue. I found myself looking at the boy with the mullet again. My eyes were infatuated with his face, something so soft about his beauty but so guarded at the same time. By this time I realized I was staring, I tried to look away but in the corner of my eye I saw the boy make eye contact with me. I could feel my face twist into blush. Quickly I turned away and ran a little ways down the beach. I sighed in relief and took off my jacket, laying it down onto the sand so I could gaze out into the layers of waves in front of me. I get distracted easily, plus when I'm staring at the ocean or sky I find that my hearing seems to cut out, only listening to the sounds around me. So it wasn't much of a surprise when I jumped at hushed words coming from behind me. "Hey there"
The voice said. I turned to face the voices host and was surprised when I found the same boy that was sitting at the fire. He half smiled and after a small moment of silence he asked "can I sit here?"

Alright so if it wasn't obvious, this first chapter is in Lances POV (point of view)
I hope I've grabbed your attention :)

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