Mullet Boy

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I turned to face the voices host and was surprised when I found the same boy that was sitting at the fire. He half smiled and after a small moment of silence he asked "can I sit here?"
I stared at him for a minute in slight disbelief
"S-sure" I replied looking away to hide my freckles. I always hated my freckles. It started when a boy in elementary school commented on them. He said they made me look like I had chicken pox. I probably shouldn't have listen to that comment but nevertheless I did, and now here I am about 10 years later still self conscious because of it. My freckles were small and dotted across my face like someone put paint on a brush and used their finger to flick it onto my skin. And the worst part was that they were everywhere. All over my face and traveling down to my neck and arms a bit.
"My names Keith"
The boy said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He reached out his hand that had a fingerless black glove on it. I took it and smiled.
"I'm Lance." "What an interesting name"
He said to what seemed the ocean, not really facing me while he said it. "Interesting?"
I repeat and scoffed a bit, but chuckled afterwards. "Yeah" he said. "It's interesting."

I brought my legs up to my chest, hugging them. I shivered at the slight breeze colliding onto my exposed arms, I was only wearing a light, slightly short on the bottom T-shirt. Keith seemed to notice and asked "Are you cold?" I shook my head "No, I'm used to the wind. Also.. not to be rude, but why are you sitting here with me?" He turned to me and laughed. I didn't really understand what was so funny. Was it because he could hear my nerves in my voice? "Well I caught you staring." He explained, picking up a rock and chucking it into the water. It plopped in with a splash. "And I kinda wanted to find out why a cute guy was staring at me." Did he just call me cute? "How can I be cute? You just met me" I said, I had some attitude in my voice. "So? It's not like your looks get better gradually as I get to know you." He joked and laughed. I giggled, I hate giggling in front of someone that wasn't my mom. It made me feel childish I guess.

I looked at him and saw the mullet again, I couldn't hold back my curiosity. "What's with the mullet? Didn't those go out of style in the 1990s?" I said teasingly. "Aww! Do you not like my 80s hair style?" He pouted and I laughed. "I think it looks sexy" he made a face that I guess was supposed to be seductive but it just made me laugh even more. Keith smiled. "So lance, do you usually come to this part of the beach?"
He asked and I took a stone and threw it into the waves. "Well my house is just on the bay down that way." I pointed right. "But I usually come quite a ways away so no one sees me."
I admit and rest my chin on the palm of my hand. He nodded. " I live on the bay too. Not right on the bay but it's not a very long walk." "And I'm guessing your friends live close too?" "Actually no. Pidge lives more in the city and Allura is only visiting from the county side." "Pidge? Allura?" I tilted my head. "Oh right, you don't know who they are!" He laughed "Pidge was the one with the glasses, and Allura has puffy hair." So the two girls. I wonder if one of them is his girlfriend. Perhaps the one visiting from the country. That would explain why he sat next to her instead of Pidge. I nodded to acknowledge his words. "What about the other guy?" I asked. "That's Hunk, He's my neighbour and actually my childhood friend." "Nice!" I smiled. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and checked the time. 30 minutes had already passed. "Ah. It's already been half an hour! You should probably get back to your friends. I should get home too." His face looked a little disappointed "I see..." he sat and looked at me while I gathered my stuff from the ground, I was about to turn and leave when I heard him say something. "Will I get to talk with you again?" He asked. I turned back to face him and smiled. "Well I come to this spot every night to star gaze" I said. Ok that may have been a slight lie. It was my first time coming this far down the beach. But I did star gaze every evening at midnight so I didn't completely lie. "I usually come really late though. Like midnight." I admitted and he smirked. "Noted.. I guess I'll see you tomorrow at midnight." He got up and walked back towards his fire, and I turned and walked down the beach. I didn't realize it until now that I was super nervous talking to him. That pissed me off a little since I just met the guy, why would I be so nervous talking to him!?

Once I reached my house I climbed back up the rock wall to my porch, and threw one last glance down the beach before climbing the ladder I propped up to climb back into my room through the window. I have a weird feeling about this. But it kinda excites me.

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