A Dangerous Hollow

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A tree rotted by waves, and old leather work lost at sea. Was Keith really right? He followed some old legend in an outcasts book at his school library. And it worked? Who is this guy?

He pointed to the bottom of the trunk, the trees roots were sticking out of the ground in some places. On a big root that was flat and shiny, I saw it. A triangle with three stars shooting out of it. A ring enclosed the symbol.

I stared at the symbol for a while, my eyes glued themselves to the root. I felt my jaw drop open and my eyes widen. I looked up at Keith, he was smirking, a small chuckle escaped his lips. "Are you laughing!? Seriously!? We just discovered some old creepy legend is true! How could you be laughing at a time like this!!" I screamed at him, but it only made his grin grow. "Why do you look so shocked? Legends are different then myths ya know." His voice sounded slightly flirty, but I was too tied up with the current situation to really pay much attention to that. "Keith are you being serious!?" I yelled. "Legend or myth, it was still written in some random book! And now, it's actually proving itself to be.. true..?"

Keith kneeled down next to me, and focused onto the symbol carved on the bark. He gently took the journal out of my hands and looked at it, as if to be sure it was the same symbol. The dirt stuck to his and my damp swim trunks, like barnacles to the bottom of an old sail boat. I looked up at the rest of the tree. A huge hollow split the the trees bendy trunk in two halves. The hollow was deep and dark, as if it led to an endless expanse of darkness. Keith handed the book back to my sweaty hands and took one last look up the tree. "So... now what?" He asked and turned to face me, I huffed a little. "How am I supposed to know? I never read the legend, let alone even look at the book that held it!" I leaned into the hollow, looking in to see if anything was there. It smelled of damp grass, and wood as expected. But there was another strange scent coming from the darkness in front of me. It smelled sweet, overwhelmingly sweet.. sort of like.. honey. I leaned closer, and sniffed again. The prickly bark threatened to give me thousands of splinters. I gained some confidence to step inside the opening in the tree, it was big enough to fit my body, even though I had to arch my back so my head could fit.  The honey smell was still there, a little stronger but not by much. "Lance?" Keith called from behind me. "Did you.. find something?"
"I'm not sure.. it smells like honey in here" I admitted and suddenly I felt my hand slip from the small wood stump attached to the hollows walls.

Did something just come out from beneath me?! I heard Keith yelling at me, but it sounded like it was fading away. I looked down and saw I was no longer in the trees huge hollow, but instead sliding down a steep slope of rock, dirt and sod. It was dark, very dark. I could barely see my feet in front of me as my body picked up speed. "Keith!!!" I cranked my neck back and looked up, calling desperately into the giant black hole above my head. I heard my voice echo, but no echo in response. I felt my eyes become weak, my stomach did somersaults and my head was dizzy. My eyesight was fading away to black, no.. I can't faint now. Cmon lance, man up!

My small pep talk helped for a small bit longer, but to no avail. Dark. Blackness. I was loosing my consciousness. I had to wake up from this dream of madness, maybe letting go and falling back asleep would let me wake up. I relaxed and soon all I saw was the shade of my eyelids.

Keith's POV
"Lance!!!" I screeched into the pool of darkness that had swallowed Lance whole. There's no way.. what's happening!? I loomed over the hole and swung my legs over the edge of the hollow, my feet dangled into the big pit that had suddenly appeared. I looked back and took a deep breath before pushing myself off the ledge and into the pit. My eyes squeezed shut at the force of my bottom hitting a rocky slope. My body didn't stop however, and I slid down at a fast speed. "Lance!!" I called down in front of me, the dark, mysterious tunnel eating my cries up. I flung my arms at the walls of the tunnel, yearning to grab onto something, anything to help slow me down. But the pace only quickened as the steep hill got even steeper then before.

It felt like hours before I saw light. A small circle of white poured into the tunnel. An opening!! I reached the bottom and shielded my head as I rolled out of the strange tunnel. I looked up. Big leaning trees loomed over me. The grass was soft and moss covered almost every other surface, eating away at the empty space. It looked like a scene from a fantasy novel. Mushrooms and weird looking flowers dotted the ground, and even grew out of tree bark. All of the shrubs and plants strangely seemed to.. glow. Giant bushes and tall grass stalks circled the clearing that I had landed in. Tiny little insects, that were matched with the glowing vegetation floated around the air, buzzing and humming as they flew past me and each other. I looked up at the sky, it was a dark night sky splattered with dozens and dozens of tiny little stars. "So amazing..." I whispered to myself in astonishment. I looked to the other side of the clearing and saw a figure laying on his side. Lance!! I got up quickly and sprinted over to him, I shook his arm. The force of the shaking made his limp body flop over onto his back. He had fainted it seemed, but I checked his pulse just a to make sure. Thump, thump, thump. His heart beating made me sigh in relief. "Lance! Lance!! Wake up!!" I shook him a bit more and his eyes slowly started to pry open. Once he noticed me and his surroundings his eyes widened fully open, he gasped as he saw where he was.

After many, many minutes of Lance taking in the scenery, he turned to me. "Keith! What on earth happened!?" He looked me straight in the eyes and squinted. "Are you a witch or something!?" He yelled, with an accusative tone in his voice. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Lance witches are females. I would be a wizard." He rolled his eyes at my correction, sticking his tongue out at me childishly. It was then we heard a rustle in the bushes near by. The bugs that were in the area scattered, and the grass slowly bended to reveal another person behind them.

The figure growled at us, and hoisted its bow up so fast I could barely see it move, the shiny, silver arrow head pointing straight at us. "Who are you!?" The voice of the figure hissed. "And what are you doing here!?"

Wowie, isn't that a spicy ending to this chapter. (_)
I just wanted to say thank you for sticking through this far, I know the start of my fan fiction is a bit slow and stuff but I think it's starting to get more interesting. I would love to have some feedback, and feel free to tell me what you think of the story and it's plot I guess.
Anyways thank you! See you in the next chapter :P

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