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I walked back to the fire and sat down. "So.. what's our next move? Since me and Lance are 'the chosen ones'." I asked, Shiro thought for a moment. "We should probably go find the Royal advisor, she would probably know what to do."

I nodded and stared more into the fire, the crackle and crunches of the embers filled my ears as I drifted off into my thoughts.

The fires embers from just a few hours ago has dimmed, the raging flames had died down to just a few sparks. In front of it stood all four of us, Kuro, Shiro, Myself and Lance. Bags littered our backs, and plans spewed out of everyone's mouths. "So the advisor will probably be roaming around the holy lands, so we just have to meet her there." Shiro explained as he finished loading up a backpack. Well, at least it looks like a backpack but I knew better then that by now.

I looked over to take a peek at the brunette, and smiled when I saw him glancing back at me. He was looking for me too, that fact made me feel bubbly inside. It was completely insane, but I've already started to develop a small crush on him.

Kuros voice broke me from my thoughts. "Is everyone packed?? We can always find more food but water and other items might be hard to come across." Lance nodded.
"I have all of my stuff!"
"Including the journal?" Kuro inquired
"Including the journal." The tanned boy confirmed.

I picked my bag up off the floor and sifted through it one last time. "I'm packed." I said, in my usual grumpy tone. "Lighten up mullet!!" Lances cheery voice erupted in my ears. "Tell that to the sky." I responded, chuckling. Lance laughed softly at my joke, following behind the two centaurs as they proceeded to start our journey through the forest. "How long is this walk anyway??" Lance piped up, to which Shiro responded with a cheery tone. "About 50 Quintents!" Lance looked over to Kuro confused. "I'm gonna go on a limb here and say that those are minutes?" he asked. Kuro shook her head. "If you go by the traditional earthen time units, 50 quintents is 50 days." She smiled.

Lances jaw practically unhinged at that, he stopped walking entirely and stared at the twins in complete disgust. "50 DAYS OF WALKING!?" I winced, since he shouted that right in my ear. "We'll probably stop to take breaks you dummy." I hissed back, clearly annoyed by Lances stubbornness. I shook my head in annoyance then continued walking, landing myself besides Kuro. Ignoring Lances whining, I look to the centaur and try my best to smile. I've never been that good at interacting with strangers, let alone magic horse women.

"So.. this royal advisor.. whats she look like?" Kuro turned her head toward me, her soft trots making dust clouds in the dirt beneath us. "She has very fluffy hair! It's white, and her skin is as rich as the trees bark!" Kuro beamed talking about the other female. I nodded In response. "What's she like? Just so I know what to expect."

"You might want to be careful, she doesn't take nicely to strangers but I'm sure once she gets to know you she will be much more inviting." The centaur explained, turning her attention back towards the road ahead. I walked in silence just taking in the amazing scenery for a few minutes before turning back to check on Lance, whose protests had come to a stop without me noticing. When I turned around, I was met with Shiro trotting softly behind the group, Lance lazily strewn across his back. They were having a conversation, I couldn't tell what was being said but based on Lances slightly flushed cheeks I guessed that Shiro was flirting with him.

The sight made my blood boil, of course as soon as I turn my back that muscled horse guy has to swoop in and tend to the Cubans every whim. It shouldn't bother me as much as it does. Maybe it's because Lance has unbelievably smooth and silky skin, that's the most perfect sun kissed colour. His hair is sandy like the beach we met on. His eyes are the same vibrant hue as the waterline between the sky and the sun at midnight.

Alright, now I'm positive that I have a crush on the guy. But he's probably straight. And even if he's into guys, he's got a giant centaur that seems to get the job done for him. I grumpily turned back around, now completely fuming. I sped up to walk side by side with Kuro. She gave me a concerned glance but didn't say anything.

Since there was nothing to say after all.

I'm super sorry for the late chapter, and I'm sorry that it's shorter then usual! The next chapter will hopefully be out shortly! Thanks for your support!!

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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