Midnight meeting

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Just a quick note before we start
I decided to spice up my words a bit and I used some Spanish words for lances mother to speak. I did only use google translate (don't yell at me *^*)  so if it isn't correct please feel free to tell me.

I got up to the grassy valley that was connected to the dock. Rushing back to my own house, my head is spinning with thoughts. All about him. I have no idea what this guy is doing to me. But it worries me that he could make me open up that much in the first meeting. Although, with a smile as pretty as that... anyone wouldn't be able to resist the urge.

After a rough nights sleep I woke up bright and early. I heard the rhythmic knock of my mama's fist on my bedroom door. "Yeah?" I shouted, loud enough to be heard clearly through the thick wooden door. The knob turned and she stepped in, holding a basket of clothes. I'm guessing they were collected from the various members of my family for laundry day. And now she came to take my clothes. "Where are your dirty clothes?" She asked as if reading my thoughts. I got up out of bed a little groggy and handed her my woven laundry basket, then sat back down on my bed and hugged my pillow. "Thank you mi hi(t)jo. And don't forget that I have work today, so your hermana is going to help you with your school work" I nodded, and waved her off as she closed my door behind her. I let out a big groan. School. You know, most people would probably think that homeschooling is better then going to an actual school. Well your wrong. Being taught your school subjects by your own family, who already expect a lot from you might I add, isn't a very easy thing to deal with. After a moment of silently sulking in my bed, I got up and took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, and got dressed in lazy attire. I lazed my way down the stairs. They spoke to me as I stepped on them. Creak, creak, thump, creak. Once I was downstairs, my round, rustic dinner table came into view, with my sister perched on one of the chairs. She noticed me and smirked. "Took you long enough" she said and I rolled my eyes. "Out late again?" She added after I had sat down. I nodded and offered her a piece of my muffin I grabbed from the plate in the middle of the table. She shook her head. "No thank you, ready to study?"

After what seemed like days of testing and bickering, my school session was finished. I quickly got up to check the time. 3:00 pm, the clock on the microwave read. I thanked my sister and went back upstairs to my room, plunking myself down onto my bed. My body heat waved through the fabric on my bed spread, radiating like the sun. I decided to just stay and read in my room until dinner. And to my promise, there I stayed, buried in a book about a knight and a ferocious dragon

~Ok so now we are switching POVs so please don't get to confused ~

Beep beep beep beep. My alarm clock woke me, signalling that school was staring in 2 hours. I actually need all of the seconds in those 2 hours, I take an insanely long time to get ready in the morning. I slammed my hand on the top to stop the annoying beeping. I laid there and listened for a minute. Nothing. I guess dad left for work early. I reluctantly got up out of my warm bed sheets and hopped in for a shower. Once I got out I took a few minutes to blow dry my hair, since my hair is so thick it won't dry my the time I have to leave. The warm air hit my hair, which felt super nice since my face was weirdly cold in the mornings. With brushed teeth I went to dress myself, black as usual. Although I added a plaid flannel. I couldn't resist leaving my gloves on the top of my scratched dresser. I slipped them on and brushed my hair back so it wasn't stuck in every direction from the wind of my hair dryer.

Grabbing my old worn bag from the foot of my bed I headed downstairs. Dad left without breakfast. Meaning I have to take extra time to sizzle my own eggs. It took about 10 extra minutes for me to cook my eggs, leaving me barely enough time to eat them. By the time I was out the door I was still half chewing the eggs I had stuffed down my throat. Fumbling with my house key to lock the house. And of course, as soon as I get out of the house my mind starts to question if I turned the stove off. Sometimes I hated my constant need to double, and triple check things, it usually always made me late. For the second time I went and locked the front door after checking to make sure everything was off, seeing the school bus pull in to the street a few blocks down from me. I wasn't gonna make it, but a man can try at least.

I power slid down my two front steps and raced the rest of the way down to the bus stop. It was just pulled away when I got there, so I ran up to the doors and hurriedly pounded on the tinted plastic. My bus driver disliked me for many reasons, this being one of them. I could see him lean his head back in frustration but opened the doors and let me step in. "Be on time tomorrow Keith" he spat and I nodded wearily. I went to find a spot and found my same empty seat on the back of the bus. The seat that had old gym wads stuck underneath it, and scraped floors beneath my feet. Hunk said he was really sick from last night, so he wouldn't be coming to school. Leaving me to sit at the back by myself, which I didn't mind.

The rest of the school day went by in hurried blurs. Something about a test in math and me needing to get a sheet signed in science, since I was failing pretty badly. Pidge hung out with me at lunch and on our free study period in history. I was baffled that she can ego school of all people, since she had drunk her guts out. But then again, Pidge could hold her liquor. Then the bell sounded for school to be over. God this day seemed to go on forever. Once I got home from another interesting bus adventure I opened the door with my rusty key, picking up the roll of newspapers left on our door step. Dad never got home until pretty late so I had to think of what I wanted for supper now. I wasn't super hungry so i decided to eat early. I cooked a grilled cheese on this old pan I found in the very back of our stained cupboards. I quickly ate and wiped the grease from the bread off of my fingers and onto the dish towel hanging on one of the kitchen drawers handles.

The time had come for me to get ready to see lance. Dad was already home and in bed, so it shouldn't be that hard to sneak out. My dad sleeps like a bear in hibernation, once he's out you have a very slim chance of even getting a mutter from him. I changed into a slightly heavier jacket and quietly slid out the back door, stepping onto our lawn, which hasn't been mowed since mom last mowed it. I climbed over the wonky planks that created something resembling a fence, and ran across the field to the dock. I looked over , but I didn't see him. He wasn't here yet. I guess I did come a little early. I sat down in the same spot that lance and I had sat yesterday. The waves caught my jeans, making them damp on the front of my calf's. I sighed and tossed a stone into the water. Maybe I got lost in his thoughts but I jumped when suddenly something from behind covered my eyes.
"Guess who it is" the voice said, with a cocky tone. His fingers were soft, but a little cold, so my eyes squinted together at the sudden coolness.

Holy crap, is it just me or did this feel realllly long. My thumb hurts  :c
Translations: mi hi(t)jo- my boy

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