Magic Finders

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"To keep her people safe, Fray made all of the plant life glow with the essence of the goddess herself. In the fit of this big change, Fray created two key items. The Journal of guidance, and the Book of Truth. These items are still incredibly important, and sustain the life of Dowahana today and for centuries to come."
"Wow.. that's really amazing!" I exclaimed, cranking my head to look at Shiro sitting beside me. The scar that ran across the bridge of his nose presenting itself in the bright glow of the plants around us. "Yeah.. hopefully it made you less confused." He paused and smiled at me. "That journal you have is the Journal of Guidance! It was used by the very first beings that lived in Dowahana to help them find their way around. Since night is all we have ever know, most of the people living here know how to track and follow stars." I smiled and glanced back up to the sky. The stars here are much bigger then earths, giant balls of stained glass that bounce around the sky. I also noticed that instead of one moon, their was two. One way bigger then the other, both giving off a pink hue. Suddenly Shiro spoke to me. His sentence made me snap out of my thoughts.

"Do you know why your here?" My eyes widened more then they were already, Mama always said I had very big, doe eyes. There's a reason why I'm here? Why me AND Keith are here? And to top it all off, Shiro knows what it is! "Wait.. you know why? Tell me!" I pleaded and he smiled. "Well it's said that two special people were to read the Book of Truth, and come to Dowahana and help. That's why the goddess sent the Book to a foreign world!" Shiro explained, his eyes lit up like a light bulb when he talked about it. "Help?" I asked, rotating my sitting position to completely face him. "Yeah. Remember that darkness I talked about in the legend? Ancient says you and Keith are the special ones, ones that will slay evil and all that" I laughed. Me? And Mullet?? Special?! "Don't laugh!!" Shiro chuckled and nudged my shoulder. "It's the prophecy! Meaning it's gotta be true!" All I could do was nod. It was then that I saw Keith walking towards us. He smiled at me then strangely glared at Shiro, like he was growling at him in his mind. I got up and walked up to him. "Hey Keith!" I smiled, trying desperately to make the air light.

"Hey Lance" he responded and smiled at me, his purple-grey eyes shining brightly. I felt my cheeks blush a little at the face in front of me. He looked so happy right now, it made me smile bigger. And of course right on cue, Shiro clears his throat, standing up and walking to both of us. I saw Keith roll his eye balls so hard that they probably hit the back of his skull. "So Keith have you gotten your room put together yet?"
"Our room you mean." Keith said, and I felt a hand around my waist. Keith pulled my limp body towards him and continued to glare at Shiro, with Shiro glaring back. I nervously chuckled and nodded a bit. "Uhh yeah! Our room, you and Kuro got it all set up right?" I asked, looking at Keith, then to Shiro. "Yeah, me and Kuro got it all ready for us to sleep there. What were you two doing out here?" Keith asked, his brows furrowing a bit. "Oh Shiro and I were just talking! I'll tell you when we get to our room." I said, then walked up to the towering Shiro in front of me. I held out my hands for a hug which he gratefully accepted. "Bye Shiro!" I smiled then walked with Keith at my side to the camp.

He led me down a thin dirt path, it wasn't that long and soon we reached a big set of stairs that led up to the giant trees. I looked up and stared in awe at the giant tree house-like huts that hung and sat in the big woody branches of the trees. The branches had bright strings of yellow and orange light snaking up the trees, between the ridges of the bark. The leaves at the top looked like glowing green cotton candy clouds, that had a sense of mystery and darkness about it. Keith pulled my hand and we walked up the steps and continued to move our way across the bridges that connected each tree. Soon, he stopped in front of a medium-sized hut with the same glowing bark look. Only it was lighter, and smoother. I pushed open the door to find a nice sized room, two beds held up with bamboo stalks. I ran in and flopped onto the mattress, surprised when it was so soft. Keith closed the door and sat on his own bed, making a big plop sound when he hits the feathered mattress. "Well it's gonna need a bit of decorations but we can make it work, huh Lance?" He said and I nodded, flipping over onto my back. "Yeah, but with all the weird things in this place I'm sure it can't be that hard to find something!" I said. Keith crossed his legs and looked at me. "So, what were you and Shiro talking about?" He related his question from earlier. I relayed Keith the story Shiro had told me, and everything that was said after. Well mostly, I left out some things. He tilted his head as I told the story, such an adorable thing to do. Like my little sister when Mama would tell us stories before bed. "Wow.. that's the story huh?" I nodded. "It's so cool. This place is cool. I can't believe that this is all actually happening!" I laughed and Keith laughed along with me. We had just finished laughing as we heard a knock at the door. The hut slightly swayed from the force of the knock. Keith got up and opened it, smiling at Kuro who was on the other side. "Hey boys! Have you gotten situated?" She asked, and Keith nodded. "Mostly, me and Lance were just talking about getting a few decorations to make it feel more like home." Keith replied, I got up and joined his side smiling. "There's plenty of things you could use! Why don't we go on a walk? Me and Shiro have stuff to do anyway!"
"What kind of stuff?" I asked out of curiosity. "We have to collect more herbs, our potions are running thin and we mustn't run out now!" She chirped and backed away from the door so me and Keith could step out. "Plus earthworm grass makes a great material to make clothing out of." She added, eyeing me and Keith's attire. I tilted my head in slight annoyance, my expression softened when I remembered that people here dress way differently.

Kuro, Shiro, myself and Keith all went out on a walk, heading into a deep forest full of cool kinds of plants. Kuro was spouting out facts about the woods like sprinkler. "The Junglers Woods is a great place to find herbs! Mages use it all the time to find bracklethorn since it grows natively here. Shiro and myself always come here to find stuff for our potions, it's simply amazing how many things we can find here!" She rambled and I hate to admit that I tuned her out. Our group took a small break while Shiro gathered some of the thick, thorny weeds that sat at a base of a tree, when a bright patch of mushrooms caught my eye. They had vibrant red stripes and equally as bright purple dots littering the surface. I kneeled down and gazed at it closer, Keith looking down at me from his standing position. Kuro has turned around and hunched over me, as best she could anyway, to tell me about them. "Those are called Magic Finders! If someone touches it, their magic will be amplified, revealing what the magic is able to do with full control of it. This plant is usually used for training, since people use it to help grasp the control of their magic." She stated. I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested. I don't even have any magic, so one poke wouldn't hurt right?

I reached down with my index finger extended, the soft surface of the mushroom met my dry hand and suddenly I felt a shock. I lurched back in a surprise by the sudden electrical shock, and looked at my hands to see if anything was burning. When I looked down, my hands had turned incredibly pale, they were almost white against the rest of my tanned, freckled skin. They also felt extremely warm, burning almost. Keith, Kuro, And Shiro watched in awe as my hands glowed a bright white glow, Kuro grabbed my shoulders and looked closely at my face. "All of your freckles.." Keith's voice trailed off as he looked past Kuro to my face. "What.?? What's happening??" I asked alarmed. "Your freckles are glowing!" Keith finished his previous sentence, my face crunches up in confusion and shock, but a smile of amazement was able to break through and spread itself across my face. "You have magic..." Shiro whispered, seemingly to himself but everyone else caught it. "I have magic!? But I'm a human!! I didn't even know about this place a few hours ago!" My head was spinning, I had no idea what was happening and the burning sensation was getting a little stronger, but still bearable. "People in the human world aren't able to express magic, hence why most humans remain unaware of their magic powers. Some do manage to find it but are unable to express it in anything other then their mind and imagination." Kuro says, amazing me even more.

"Try to do something!" Keith exclaims in excitement, I smile and get up still eyeing my hands. I put my hands together, the warmth getting even hotter then it was because of the friction. I pulled them apart and snapped my fingers to see if anything would happen. A small bright ball of light formed in the air in front of me, right above my other, open hand. It soon became dimmer and I could make out the shape of what it was. The sparkle and shimmer of the space dust surrounding it made it impossibly clear as to what it was. A star. I had just made a star with my own two hands. I snapped again and the process repeated to form another one, this star had four more sharp points then the other one, and was a bright pink colour. I just created two stars. Out of my own hands, my own body. How is this even possible...

Hii! Sorry if this chapter was a little short! I'm working on it but my fingers are dying. I will try my hardest to make the next one longer! Thanks for your support !!

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