
27 3 1

A small bright ball of light formed in the air in front of me, right above my other, open hand. It soon became dimmer and I could make out the shape of what it was. The sparkle and shimmer of the space dust surrounding it made it impossibly clear as to what it was. A star. I had just made a star with my own two hands. I snapped again and the process repeated to form another one, this star had four more sharp points then the other one, and was a bright pink colour. I just created two stars. Out of my own hands, my own body. How is this even possible...

I stared in awe at my hands. Keith's gaze switched from me, to my hands, to Kuro, then back to me. He crouched down beside me, eyes fixed on the glowing balls of gas. "Lance.. this is incredible." Keith looked at me, and tearing my eyes from the master piece I created, I met his eye contact. There was few moments of stunned silence before someone spoke again. "Keith.. you try and touch it." Shiro said, referring the mushrooms. Keith just glared at him with a raised eyebrow. "Don't tell me what to do" he muttered childishly, which made me snicker a little. Shiro scrunched his nose at Keith's attitude, but didn't lash out like I expected him too. The tension between these two was so thick even a chainsaw wouldn't be able to cut it, their eyes were practically murdering each other with glares. Kuro and I shared a glance before trying to diffuse the situation. "Shiros on to something Keith, if Lance has magic surely you might have some as well" she smiled to lighten the mood. Keith turned to her then looked at me with a quizzical look. I nodded, telling him it was a good idea. He huffed then shrugged. "Fine but I highly doubt that I have anything." Keith stuck out a boney finger and touched the surface of the plant. It was a moment before Keith spoke again. "See? Nothing" he shrugged again. "Wait now, lets not loose hope. You may just not express your magic like Lances body does." Kuro spoke up and walked towards Keith. Suddenly Keith jerked back, holding his head in pain. He groaned before pressing a hand to his back, groaning again. "Keith!?" I said alarmed, watching him position his hands back to his head. "Oh wait! I think I know what it is, Keith think of an animal!" Keith glared at her as if she was completely insane. "What in the bloody hell are you on about?" Kuro rolled her eyes. "Just do it!"

Keith reluctantly closed his eyes, furrowing his brows in concentration. After a few moments his body began to shift, small strands of fur replacing his skin. He groaned in pain again, as two fluffy triangles came to his head, his mouth grew longer into a snout. He blinked my eyes rapidly, every time my eyes shut Keith became more and more morphed. I closed my eyes and shook my head, when I looked back at Keith, there was no longer a human body, but a wolf in its place. Th animal had a look of angst in his eyes, which gave me all the confirmation I needed. "KEITH!?" I yelled, louder then intended. I jumped up in surprise, making the twin centaurs flinch. Keith flinched back as well. He turned to Kuro. "Well, you mind telling me why I am now a fluff ball on four legs!?" Keith shouted in anger, growling a bit. I tried desperately to hold in my boiling laughter, my lip quivered behind my hand struggling to keep the giggles at bay. I couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing. Kuro has to catch me to make sure I wouldn't tumble to the floor, my breath was uneven and Keith's glare was piercing through my face. "You turned into a dog!?" I said between pants, laughing even harder when I processed it more. "Stop laughing at me you douche!!" Keith growled in protest, it made me laugh impossibly harder. "Ok uh.." Shiro started, nervously chuckling. "Keith look, what's happening is-"

"I didn't ask you buddy!" Keith snapped, cutting Shiro off. Shiro frowned then glared at him. "Well do you want an explanation or not!?"
"Not from you!"
"Get off your high horse and just listen!"
With that Keith grunted and sat down, his front legs out stretched to hold him up. "Look, when you thought of a dog you turned into one, this means that your magic is shapeshifting. Now calm down and just think of your human body again." Keith groaned and closed his eyes again. Slowly his body came back to its human state. As soon as he was back on his feet he charged over to me and slapped me over the head. "Ow! What was that for?" I said, still giggling a bit. "For laughing at me" he replied bluntly. I felt a little bad that I had gotten him so annoyed, but at the same time, it was hilarious! "Incredible! Now we don't have to babysit you two!" Kuro joked. "Well you both still need to practice and learn, since when you use it normally you won't have the help of a mushroom for control." Shiro chirped in, crossing his arms and smiling.

After grabbing a few more herbs, everyone decided to head back. I was still in shock about what had happened this evening, and I could tell Keith was too. Both of us fell behind a ways, since the centaurs was unbelievably fast. "Keith.. can you believe all of this?" I whispered in awe. Keith looked to me and smiled softly. "Believe in the unbelievable." Was all he said before turning back to the toad ahead and hastily catching up to the other two ahead of us.

I slumped down onto the bed in our hut, while Keith put small glowing flowers strung together up to on the wall, giving us a dim light. Suddenly something struck my curiosity, I looked over to Keith. "Hey Keith?" He responded with a hum. "Have you ever been in love?" I saw Keith visibly jump, he looked baffled and flustered by the sudden question. "Lance what the hell!? Why all of a sudden!?" I looked down embarrassed about it. "I-I dont know... just being here makes me think of this girl I loved.. well thought I loved. She loved flowers, and nature in general. I was fifteen when we broke it off." There was silence. "What happened?" Keith asked softly, sitting down next to me. I flopped back so my head hit the mattress. "I guess she thought we just weren't right for each other. It's kinda embarrassing, we met up at her house one time. I told her I loved her, and she told me she wanted to see other people." I shrugged. "Not meant to be." I felt a small sting invade my eye. No, there's no way I can cry over her. Not now, it happened years ago. I was young and stupid, and gave my whole heart to someone who didn't want it. Keith laid down beside me. "You know Lance, it's ok to move on." He must've heard the pain in my voice. I looked over and hugged Keith, letting my head fall to his chest. I felt him tense but then relax. Keith ran a hand through my hair. No words were spoken, but I could feel the connection. For some reason I feel like Keith really understands me. Yeah I still think he's an incredibly stupid guy, who led me into a weird world with no sunlight, but I don't mind, I was never a genius myself.

Ok ok I know, I'm sorry this chapter is so late and so short but I'm going through something's right now, plus writing is pretty hard when you don't know where to go with it. Thanks for your support! Bye!
-the author lol

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