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It was then we heard a rustle in the bushes near by. The bugs that were in the area scattered, and the grass slowly bended to reveal another person behind them.

The figure growled at us, and hoisted its bow up so fast I could barely see it move, the shiny, silver arrow head pointing straight at us. "Who are you!?" The voice of the figure hissed. "And what are you doing here!?"
My body urged me backwards at the sight of the arrowhead. I leaped back and felt my skin brush against Keith's arms, my face and his were frozen in shock. The figure hissed again, "answer me!" It spat. A small whimper escaped my mouth at the loud voice seeping into my ears. Keith seemed to notice and pulled me slightly closer, or maybe I was just looking into the details too much. "We.. we aren't here to hurt you!" I screamed back, focusing on the small drop of courage I had left in me. Oh my god.. I was gonna die here.

The persons eyes softened, the once dilated, square shaped pupils now relaxed. It was then that the arrow was lowered and the figure stepped out of the dark shrubs. A small girl stepped out, she had one patch of white hair and the rest that covered her head was pitch black. It was cut into a pixie, but her bangs still hung over her yellow eyes. Tangly vines dotted with flowers snakes up her arms and neck, staying clear of the brown leather bodice that covered her torso. It wasn't until I looked down after fully taking in her appearance that I realized.. she didn't have feet. She didn't have legs. Well she did have legs but she didn't have human ones. Her entire bottom half from just below her belly button was a horse. A soft black coat with long tufts of hair was in place of her human legs. I heard Keith gasp, and the girl stepped back slightly.

"W-woah!!" I couldn't hold in my awe. The woman stared at me, then eyed Keith. "Your a centaur.." Keith murmured, not tearing his eyes away from the sight in front of us. Her lips began to curl into a small grin, then she spoke. "And how did you know what I was?" Her voice was soft but deeper then I expected it to be. I could hear a strong sense of pride when she spoke, it made me smile just a little. Keith jumped at the question and stuttered a bit. He took a deep breath and collected himself. "I.. I read about it in the book. The book that helped us get here.." he said, then began to stand up. I stood up with him, since we were stronger together. I reached out my hand. "M-My names Lance.. Lance McClain." I said then realized what I was doing and started to pull my hand back. Before I could pull it away the girl took it and smiled. "And mine would be Kurona. But just call me Kuro."  She turned towards Keith, giving me a view of the small white spots that littered her body. "Uh.. mines Keith Kogane." Keith nodded to her. There was a small moment of silence until the girl, now known as Kuro spoke. "You spoke of a book. Could you perhaps tell me what the book had on it?" Her face suddenly became serious, her strong features twisting in confidence. "Well it had a symbol on it. A triangle, with three stars shooting from it. It was circled by a ring." Once those words left Keith's mouth, Kuros face brightened and her hooves started to trot a little in excitement.

"You mean you read the Book Of Truth!? Oh my god this is glorious!" Kuro grabbed mine and Keith's arms and tugged at them. "Follow me!" And with that she had begun trotting threw the thick forest. Keith and I followed close behind, gazing up at everything that we passed. The thick, rubbery grass crunched and crinkled under mine and Keith's feet. I looked back to the sky, then to the glowing trees. I found it interesting. "Hey Kuro, why does everything in this place glow?" I asked, plucking a leaf from a low hanging tree and knotting it in my hands. "Well in Dowahana, it's always nighttime. Always midnight. And so everything in nature glows so we can see." She replied, slowing down to walk beside me. "I'm gonna take a wild guess here and assume Dowahana is the name of the world we are in right now?" Keith added and Kuro nodded. "Indeed. Now please keep a steady pace! I can answer more questions when we get to camp." And again, Kuro quickened her stride to be just ahead of us. Keith drifted over to me and smiled. "Bet you didn't expect this." He whispered to me and quietly laughed a little. All I could do was roll my eyes. "No Keith, I didn't expect to get swallowed by a magical tree and meet a centaur lady." I retorted back in a whisper, which made Keith's smirk grow.

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