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I looked over and hugged Keith, letting my head fall to his chest. I felt him tense but then relax. Keith ran a hand through my hair. No words were spoken, but I could feel the connection. For some reason I feel like Keith really understands me. Yeah I still think he's an incredibly stupid guy, who led me into a weird world with no sunlight, but I don't mind, I was never a genius myself.
PS. This chapter will be in Keith's perspective, just so you all don't get confused. :)

I woke up that morning to the sounds of muffled screaming, a very odd way to wake up for sure but of course I can never catch a break.   I rubbed the last bit of sleep out of my eyes and sat up, stretching out my arms. When I opened my eyes, I saw Lance standing in the middle of our hut, still as if he was made of ice. Lances hands were out in front of him, not daring to even flinch. Small streams of white bled from his fingertips, spilling onto the rest of his hands. His freckles shone the same blinding white as his fingers, making his face glow beautifully. His eyes were closed, squeezed shut as if to brace himself. His legs were stiff, stuck about shoulder length apart. What surprised me though was that surrounding us were dozens of stars, some big and some small. They looked kinda deformed, and they were everywhere. "...Lance?" I spoke quietly, which caused the tan boy to open his eyes slowly. "Help.. they won't stop." He pleaded. I chuckled and swung my legs over the side of my bed, getting up and readjusting my shirt, which was pretty smelly if I had to be honest. I slowly approached the other before he squealed a little. I raised my eyebrows before smiling. "Could you just breathe for a minute?" I laughed and slowly pushed his hands back down to his sides. I could hear Lance sigh in relief when nothing new formed, his sun kissed skin relaxing. "I'm guessing that without the Magic Finders I cant control anything." He laughed nervously, his lovely sky shaded eyes coming to meet mine. "Just.. Lets maybe try to get you outside the hut before we both get blinded to death?" Lance nodded and started to creep to the door, I watched from behind as he tried his best to make small subtle movements but it wasn't really working.

I noticed that Lance does this thing, he'll rush through things because he's either one of three things. Scared, angry, or eager. It was a pretty small detail, but it made me smile. Actually, a lot of things about this boy made me smile. I know I'm probably rushing into things, since we met not even 2 days ago. But something about Lance just gets me excited. Excited for a new start, a new friend.

Since I got myself into trouble at my old school, I went to therapy to help with my anger issues. It was hard because whatever I seemed to say, the lady that was 'helping' me only criticized me for what I did wrong. I hated that. I hated that I was only being told on how to improve, with no effort being put in to build me up. It sounds kinda narcissistic when I say it like that, but I was always a kid who needed some extra encouragement. Growing up, I never had strong relationships with anyone but my parents. It was like other children naturally drifted away from me. 10 year old me couldn't understand what was wrong. Maybe it was my unusually long mullet, or my fair skin that felt like sandpaper. Maybe my eyes? They were a bit intimidating when I looked in the mirror, but even when I tried to soften up and smile it always seemed scary. My baby teeth were round, but as soon as I started to loose them, the sharp canines that were hidden away in my fleshy gums started to show themselves. It made me even more angry. I looked tough, so maybe I should act tough. That didn't end up working either, it only made me more aggressive and distant.

But then came Lance. That tan, lanky boy that was staring at me behind a wall of rocks on the shore. I locked eyes with him. I was completely expecting him to look away, like most people do when they make eye contact with me, but he just stared right back. It surprised me that a stranger, who hadn't had any time to get to know me, wasn't even the least bit intimidated by me. And it only got better once I shared a night under the sky with him. He was so interesting and the way he smiled at me as if I wasn't some freak show, it really did make me smile.

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