Male Leads Are A Problem, Aren't They?

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Tiresome, tiresome! Human relationships were too tiresome! For a social recluse like me, this was too stressful!

"I already told you, I don't mind what had happened, Shiro. It was sort of my fault, anyway. So won't you please stop apologizing?" I suppressed my irritation.

The boy with a zebra color scheme of a hair was kowtowing beneath my feet, making me appear like the criminal. For crying out loud, we were in the middle of a busy street, not to mention under the bright midday sun!

Everyone was giving us stares, Shiro! Look! That random lady had a "uwah, they start pretty young" expression scribbled all over her face! And that random boy across the street that had the features of "I wish that was me being stepped on"! This was no—Wait, what!? That last one was dangerous!

"Even so...! It's my fault that you!" Shiro cried out.

Seriously, where did your prideful self go? As mentioned before, I preferred to handle people like that. Not this. This was too troublesome.

"Even the lord has let me go, so why don't you let this incident go as well?" I comforted him with gentle pats on the back, but mostly because I didn't want to appear as some girl bullying a poor kid.


Oh, just shut up already. I understand your guilt, I really do. If I were in your shoes, Shiro, I would have no doubt done the same thing. Even so, apologizing like this repeatedly was just a bit overboard, you know? Annoyingly meek. Even if you're one of the male leads...

Contractor...can you hear me?

Hm? What was that?

Do not be surprised, contractor. I am the spirit Ifrit, the one who shall serve you. I apologize for the delay, but recovering my mana reserves took a longer time than expected.

"You're awake...?" I muttered, causing some confusion in Shiro.

Yes, indeed. From hereon forth, child, I shall watch over your growth. Even though there are still many things that I should inform you of, but for now, a mere introduction should suffice, considering the meager seasons you have experienced.

"Didn't you have a previous master? Is this really okay?" despite knowing the answer, I asked for the sake of keeping up my cover as an innocent young girl.

"Rin?" Shiro tilted his head curiously, but I ignored him.

Ha! I care not for the hubris of those fools. They may be powerful, but they do not hold the same allure as you. That girl who attempted to call my flames...there was darkness in her heart. Even if I may desire to consume all in an inferno, but that child...she wishes for something more sinister.

Gee, thanks I guess. I definitely needed that amazing encouragement from you, Ifrit. Also, I have a feeling you're just making stuff up at this point to sound more mysterious. Somehow, the upright and proper spirit turned out to be a lot less reliable than I thought...

Eh, whatever. Not like Ifrit played a huge role in the game anyway. He was just a plot device at the end of the day, so no point for me to worry about spending the rest of my life with this owner of a deep and grizzled voice. Anyway, let's just shelve this matter for now.

"Shiro," I sighed, getting back to the topic on hand. "What will it take for you to stop apologizing?"

"Allow me to atone it for my body!" no, even if you say that...

Ah. Wait a minute. Ah!!! This was it, wasn't it!? The scripted event was here!!! Just one goddamn headache after another! I wasn't even in the mood to do this, you know!? Elizabeth me was taking a nap, so the processing power of the dense and stupid Rin body wasn't enough!

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