♡ Chapter 9 ♡

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Hello readers, I'm finally back. I haven't been updating this book because I lost some interest in Black Butler and I'm very surprised many people actually liked this, I'll try to post some chapters.

Hope you enjoy❤

Btw Arlo went back to the real world because I don't know what to do with him


It's so hot here.

I opened my eyes and noticed I wasn't in the ordinary the phantomhive guest room, the walls were painted with a dark shade of red, the ceiling was gold and the pillows were a velvet red.

Ohh, I remembered. I was kidnapped by a demon and was put into hell, wtf is happening with my life.

As I was buried by my thoughts, a knock was heard from the door. I quickly stood up and hid from under the bed because I don't wanna deal with this shit.

"Lady Y/N, I have your breakfast for today."

The fuck, why is he acting like I'm his master or something.

I stayed in my place, waiting for him to leave but he didn't even made a sound, I let out a grunt as I got out from under the bed as sweat covered my face.

"Ok you win."

Claude stared at me with his golden color eyes and continues to stand in his position, I rolled my eyes then a loud sound of a door opening came into my ears.

"What the fuck."

I looked over and saw the one and only Sebastian with a calm smile on his lips as he walked towards us and grabbed my hand as he looked at Claude.

"Good luck on trying to make her your mate, because you'll never have one."

Claude stood there with the tray of food in his hand as Sebastian pulled me away, I got off of his grip and walked over to Claude.

I ate one of the strawberries and took a bite of the pancake as I went back to Sebastian following him out of the castle.

After walking for 20 minutes I sat down on the ground and relaxed for a bit as Sebastian stood in front of a well he looked towards me and said.

"jump inside."

I looked up at him in shock.


He sighed before walking to me and picking me up walking over to the well, I started hitting him then felt myself falling down before going unconscious.

I opened my eyes as I saw a familiar table in front of me I looked around the cozy room then realized.

I'm in my own house.

Modern Beauty (Black Butler X Modern!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang