Chapter 2

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Lance POV

I saw the way Keith was looking at me talking about vampires, but I have feelings for him and don't want to frighten him away. Yesterday seem like the best day of my life. I had friends and a secret admirer. Lance stay focus. I took a deep breathe and snapped out of my thoughts. As I look out of window. Then I heard a knock on my door.

"Sir Lance, your father request to speak with you." It was Sir.Prime the families Royal butler. Once I open the door to my room, he stood straight holding a towel on his arm.

"What about?" I spoke

"I don't know Sir, but your father request to see you"

"Fine." I said and I followed behind. While beening escorted to the dining room, knowing that I'll try to escape. Sir. Prime was quiet old for his 52 year old, but he looks like he is 17.

He then open the door to the meeting room, and left me there to speak with my father in private.

"Father you wanted to see me?" I said looking at him sitting in the tall chair at the end of the table. As I approached him, he seem sad and miserable with his head looking down at the table.

"Yes." He said, I took a seat beside him. He had his glasses on the table rubbing his eyes, his shiny gray hair shimmered in the light like Star twinkling in the sky.

"About what?" I said softly, looking at him arm crossed on the table top.

"My son, the young Lord of Romania, your time has come for you take over, look I'm not getting any younger. And plus we're living in a world full of humans." He said, looking down at the floor got me thinking but keep is not human, he's half galra .

"Oh, Father humans changed, it's not like it's the 17 century." I was tried of hearing the same thing over and over. Ever since mother died, my father never been the same since and I was just a toddler when mother passed. I know he was trying to make me marry Dracula's daughter Stacy. I was bethored to her when we were kids. But, I thought it would be best if me take time to know each other, soon we became friend.


We just move to earth, in a mansion outside of town, not that far from the cemetery. There I was sitting in my parents room, there my mother and I played togther. My mother was really pretty. She had soft blue eyes, skin the same as mines, and smooth black hair.
My father soon enter the room, joining in on the fun.

Suddenly, a knock on the door. My father got up an answered the door, but no one ever come to are place. My mother had a frighten look on her face, holding me in her arm for confront.

"Honey." my mother held me in her arms.

"Go hide, I'll take care of it." My father told her, and we both hide in the closet.

People,humans, were outside are house with torches, pitchforks, and knifes. My father tried to convince them that we're not evil, then there was a scream coming from my parents room. My father flew in looking through the blazing fire, hoping to find me and my mother. The shock looked on his face was hard to decide. There my mother lyed dead on the floor, with me balled up in her arms. My father kissed her cheek, carried me out the burning building and stood on the hillside watching the house burn to the ground.

End of Flashback

"Son you must take your place as king, be married at once."

"Oh, father if I do marry I want to be it be for love."

"Son, you are 18 and that was the when I led Romania." My father had a sharp tone in his voice.

For a moment, I thought about beening king of Romania, but what is the fun of running something you own. I couldn't refuse to run Romania, it's a family tradition. Then I thought about Keith. Looking up, seeing a frown on my father face he looked like he was to explode.

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