Chapter 7

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Keith POV

As I looked down, the view of the town was beautiful, I bet this is all dream once I wake up. Once we land in a alley of little restaurant called DOWN TOWN ,so, nobody can spot us; as we walked in the restaurant we sat down while the waiters took our order. He came back with our food on a silver platter, Lance had a Salisbury Steak; and I flambe chicken. While eating we discussed the life we might have togther.

"So are you ready to have this baby?" Lance whispered so no one can hear.

"Yes, are you?" I looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders as an yes. The night is still young and we talked for hours.

"The whole thing was true, I thought i saw a ghost in my room. So I fell down the stairs and landed on my dog. And it turned out that it was my jacket on my lamp." We both laughed, yes my life was a total drag, but hey Lance was by my side.

"Well, something happen to me like that but instead, my nana stands over me when I sleep. And when around 7:30, she'll keep me out of bed for no reason." We continue to laugh, with a conversation following after.

Meanwhile the waiter came back and asked if we'll have anything else. Apparently, the baby made me crave dessert.

"Would you like anything else?"

"Yes, actually I have a banana split." I answered, this baby is going to get the best of me. Moments later the waiter came back with my order, while Lance paid the bill. I took a bite and looked at the stars, twinkling like fireflies.

"Look a shooting star." I close my eyes, cross both my fingers and make a wish.

"So what you wish for?" Lance asked

"That I can always remember this day." I said softly, getting up with Lance following behind. Stepping out of the restaurant, smelling the fresh and clear air.

"Keith, how about we stop to the bank and afterwards we can go mall?" He asked as we walked to the bank that wasn't far from the restaurant.

Walking in the bank, Lance was at the window waiting patiently for his money. While I sat in one of the chair waiting for Lance; my mind was on one thing and that was how my life changed from being popular to just a nobody. But wait look on the bright side you are togther with Lance. I smiled at my own thought.

Everything was going perfectly well, until a guy in a black suit, instantly started shooting. He walked in, clutching a gun in his right hand. I was scared of what will or will not happen to me, Lance, anybody. Lance ran over to me giving me support, I felt safe somehow knowing he was brave.

He walked to the window and ask for the money in the safe, and if the teller refused to do what he ask; he'll threaten to shoot. I know he's a criminal, so why not robbed the bank up the road. That bank holded more money than the president; but out of all banks he had to pick this one. In a flash I was snapped out of thought as he fired the gun in the air.

"Stop stalling, hurry up!!" He yelled, at the man behind the window. I held on Lance as a source of protection. Suddenly, a child start screaming, and I can tell he was pissed off; aimming the gun about to shoot. He fired the gun, but the child's mother took the bullet; been shoot in the back sacrificing herself for her child.

"I told you, I will shoot. Didn't I not say that, huh?" He said yelling,  waving the gun and shot another woman on purpose in the arm. That looked around her mid-thirtes.

The teller behind the window handed the money in a paper bag. And left, I was relief he was gone, but it got me thinking he said he threaten to shoot three people; but who's the third person. My mind went blank, once I heared the cocking of the rifle and open fire through the window. The bullet scase the side of my head. Everything was like in slow motion as I blacked out and couldn't wake up.

Pregnant by the Vampire(Klance)OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora