three: pretty daisies

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"Am I fun?"

There was Taehyung question's of the day. The two continued their tutoring session even after that test as Jeongguk still has much he could improve. But since then, Taehyung has been asking random and spontaneous questions to Jeongguk whenever he felt that they deserved a break.

"Of course you are!" Jeongguk answered without hesitation.

"Really? But I'm so quiet and boring. I just sit around, do nothing, read."

Jeongguk smiled. He liked that Taehyung was able to talk so openly about his insecurities with him. Who would've known the smart boy thinks about such stuff.

"No, you're lots of fun! You have great math jokes, you make everyone around you comfortable, you don't start drama, and who doesn't like some time alone."

Taehyung sighed, thinking about how the younger had noticed his math puns but also how he feels he's a party pooper. "I don't know, Gguk. I don't know how to have fun."

Jeongguk closed his textbook aggressively, startling everyone in a five meter radius. He stood up abruptly and crossed his arms. "Yes you can! I'll show you! C'mon, math can wait!"

With eyes wide, Taehyung gathered his things. Confused and still a little shook, he followed Jeongguk without question. They left the library and walked for a bit before they reached a hiking trail. Once again, Jeongguk led the way and the other followed without saying a word, both taking in the beauty of nature in their silent walk. Taehyung looked at the ground as he walked for a bit, getting slightly tired.

"We're here!" Jeongguk screamed, making Taehyung look up. He froze in place. The view was absolutely stunning. He was feeling a little uneasy when Jeongguk left the suggested trail and followed another, but he could see this place must've been his little secret. They were at the edge of a hill. He could see the meadow of beautiful daisies up ahead, the blues of the sky complimenting them nicely. It was just breathtaking.

"Beautiful, no?" Jeongguk asked softly, turning his head to look at Taehyung.

"Huh?" Taehyung snapped out of his trance to look at the boy. He caught Jeongguk's glimmering eyes, and once again, he was breathless. "Yeah, gorgeous."

Jeongguk pointed at the meadow. "My favourite flower, brings back good memories. We're going to go there!" He stepped a little closer to the edge, Taehyung still remained frozen at his spot, especially as he thought more about the good memories the other talked about.

"Tae, look at me!" Jeongguk said, getting to the very edge, moving farther and farther from Taehyung.

"Careful, Gguk."

"Yeah, yeah, I know wh— AH!"

Jeongguk fell. He fell. He fell behind from the edge as his leg slipped over, losing balance. Taehyung felt his heart stop, time stop, everything just stop.

"Jeongguk!" he yelled rushing to the edge and on the ground. He gulped, his breath getting shorter and shorter, his heart running miles, eyes brimmed with tears. Gathering all the courage in him, he looked over the edge. He blinked a few time to test if what he was seeing was real. There Jeongguk was, standing on a rock maybe a metre lower and waving up at him.

He giggled, motioning Taehyung to jump down, which Taehyung did immediately. The boy began looking around Jeongguk body immediately, lifting his arm, turning his head, and whatnot.

"You're o-okay?" Taehyung asked, hands still around the boy's cheeks.

Jeongguk nodded. "Sorry, it was just a little prank, haha."

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