chapter ten

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This chapter will be short just to warn you.. Thanks


You know when you get that feeling when you wake up and just feel like dying that's how I feel right now. Just to mention I am pregnant I have been for three weeks. Its not August cause we did it earlier. I never told ray or lil darrall because I know they will say its not there's.

I got up and went to go throw up in the bathroom. What am I suppose to tell shay and Aug. I will hate to see hers and he's. I walked out the door and went downstairs to see them cuddling and stuff they looked it so cute together. I walked to the kitchen as I wad looking for something to eat. My body was getting weak and I was losing my breath I suddenly passed out.

All I heard was doctors everywhere and seen lights and didn't hear much. I had a oxygen mass on my face as I started to breathe in and out. As the time went by I started to feel much better. The doctor came in and told me some news and well they wasn't good.

"Well miss.Jones you okay? You know you pregnant right?" She said as she looked at me with sadness.

"Yes I know I'm fifteen with a baby so damn what." I said embarrassed.

"Well it says here you have HIV..." She said as my heart stopped, my legs went numb and my everything just went dark. I started to think about everything I did. Only if I listened to my sister I wouldn't be like this. I remembered having un protected sex with ray.

I walked out the door as I seen shay and Aug in the room with the doctor as she was just shocked at the news she was getting. She looked at me with disappointment as so did August looked at me with fear and big eyes.

I just left and started to walk free I'm guessing my life will be good if I die. I stopped at the place that says racks it was a club and they needed a new dancer or a bartender. Well I can't dance in pregnant so I'm guessing a bartender will work.


How could she really be pregnant by little sister. I hate that the fact she's going through this. I wanna beat her ass but she's pregnant but her face isn't. I looked at August as he was holding me and looking down. I just shook my head and we started to walk to the car. Kia wasn't here and I was worried she has my niece or nephew and I'm not having that shit. I started to drive as we came across her sitting on the step of racks.

I hopped out the car as she hugged and cried on me forreal this time. I can tell she was in pain and she was done with life. I picked her up and put her in the car as we drove off.... Right now with this shit going on s hook is the last thing on my fucking mind right now...



Nola:August PovOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz