Chapter 12

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I was on my condo balcony as I looked down at the city. I miss my bestfriend but really I miss August. He hasn't called or come visit or anything. I'm guessing he has found someone good other than me. I heard a knock as I walked to the door. I looked up at him as I smiled.

"Trey hey baby!" I kissed his lips as he hugged me tightly.

"Hey baby wassup?" he said as he passed me and sat on the couch.

"Missing you that all." I said sitting on his lap.

"Well if you miss me you will do a job for me?" he said as I rubbed on his chest.

"What's that baby?" I said looking at him knowing the answer.

"I need you to have sex with August so shay can leave him and come work for me again." He said as I smacked him and got up. He chartered over to me as he throw me on the couch and climb on top of me.

"Look put yo hands on me again I will make you do some that will make you beg for yo damn life!" he said as I started to cry.

"Okay baby okay." I said sitting up and getting my keys. Its time to get paid.


I can't do this anymore! August, Kia, trey I can't! August ad been messing around again. Coming in late. Having parties and getting high I can't do it. He started to beat me again and I try to run but cant do that either. His job of being this drug lord and his second job of being the owner of racks.

"Shay why the fuck you ain't finish the fucking dishes they ain't gonna clean there selves." Aug yelled at me as I smelled weed on his clothes.

"Okay I'll do it when yo ass calm down." I said as I felt a dying across my face.

"Do you want me to treat yo ass like diamond?" he said as he finished smoking the blunt.

"No sir i-I dont but I'm just tired please stop okay. My stomach hurts and I'm just not in a mood." I said as I went to the fridge and got some to eat.

"Why the fuck you always in the damn ice box every two damn second! Are you pregnant?" he said as I dropped the sandwich fast and shot my head to him quick.

"No baby why will you say that are you trynna call me fat?" I said as I started to get pissed off.

"Well if you lose some more weight and keep that body right I'll be only coming home to you and not other bitches finish my damn shit before yo ass starve." he said as I did what was told. I finished as I went upstairs to get Kia as we was going to her parenting class thingy. Since anyone aint wanna volunteer I was being the big sister to step up. She's only a three months as her stomach started to show. I'm still a lil disappointed but I actually can't wait till she have my little munchkin.

She wobbled down the stairs as I helped her. Kia changed ad I can see improvement im proud. Someone that had went through a lot I'll give her that.

"Bae we will be back soon." I said as I kissed him

"Bye baby by Kia." he winked at her. I really didn't lay attention so didn't matter.


I was sitting in the car as I seen the girl leave the house getting into the car and pulling off. I than got out the car as I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. He than opened the door as he pulled me in for a kiss and shut the door.

"Whatcha here for thought you had some to do?" he put his hands on my butt.

"Naw I just came to show you a good time since I was horny." I licked my lips.

"Ohh so you want the Jr? Okay lets go than." We than went upstairs inside the room and did what we did. I felt so alive and my harmonies was starting up and was just happy I was fucking August again. Yea shay my bestfriend but the bitch did something's to me also. This is my dick i discovered that ass. We been fucking before her ass met him so fuck off.

After we was done I laid on his chest as I went to sleep. Let the game begin.


My phone started to blow up as August was calling I knew that was a sign of coming home. We opened the door as we put the bags of groceries on the floor as I made my way up the stairs. I than opened our door ad Kay was walking out with my robe on.

"Hey shay.." she smiled.

"Hi Kay long time no see." I said bout to fuck her up.

"Ohh he's all yours now I'm finish with him." she said leaving.

"August what the hell man I thought you love me!" I said busying out crying.

"Shay shut the fuck up okay damn yea I use to love you but you ain't going no damn where. Tell Kia bring her ass up here she got something to do." he said as I was confused.

"Wait are you fucking my sister! I said walked towards him.

"Well aren't you the smart one you guess right." he said as he lit the blunt.

"You bitch!" I started to hit on him as I was getting choked. Things-th... My life is done... Trey was right. He doesn't want me. I'll be better off back on the projects then to live like this.




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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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