Love the way you hate me\\Katsudeku

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Chapter includes bl, don't like, don't read.
Triggers: Cussing
Ship: Katsudeku  (again, don't like, don't read.)

Izuku pov-

"He bullies you, if the two of you ever did end up in a relationship, it would most likely turn out abusive, and he would break you mentally and emotionally, and i don't even wanna imagine what he could do to you physically. His quirk could kill you, he could kill you if he chose to." My best friend, Todoroki Shouto, sits next to me at our table in the library, explaining why my crush is unreasonable.

"But he's strong, and brave, and hot" I mumble.

"I'm strong and brave" Todoroki replies "maybe you should date me"

That sentence causes me to snap my head up and lock eyes with him.

"What would the girls do f they found out you were gay?" I ask sharply, "or how about your father?" I instantly feel guilty, but it's too late to go back now.

Anger flashes through Todoroki's eyes and i sink down in my seat.

"My father is someone we don't talk about." he growls "and i don't care what the girls would think. I just want you"

I stand up and gather my stuff. "I'm sorry Shouto" i mumble as i run out of the library.

Katsuki pov-

As i'm walking into the library a flash of green hair runs passed me. "DEKU!" I shout.

"Sorry Kacchan" he calls back, but continues to run out of the building. I pick up a few papers he had dropped as he passed me. I scan over them, and realize they're letters. Love letters. To who though? I wonder. I stomp into the library, immediately getting shushed by almost everyone in there. I growl under my breath and walk over to the table where that damn icy hot bastard is sitting. I drop the letter on the table and glare at that damn halfnhalf.

"What the hell are these?" i growl quietly. Todoroki scans the letters and his eyes widen.

"Please sit, and try to calm down. I'm gonna tell you something, and i don't need you blowing my head off, or hunting down Izuku." I roll my eyes and sit down.

I cross my arms and glare at icy hot. He gathers up the letters. "Izuku is already upset with me," he mumble "might as well make it worse."

"Speak up icy hot" i grumble.

He looks up and sighs. "Izuku has feelings for you. Those feelings aren't hate for bullying him, or beating him up. He's in love with you. I don't understand it, and it my opinion that makes him kind of a masochist, but he's in love with you."

Shouto pov-

After i finish telling Bakugou about Izuku's feelings, he sits there in shock for a few moments. "Are those letters... for me?" he asks, not yelling, and for once, he doesn't look angry at Izuku. I nod and he shakes his head. "Fucking Deku" he mutters "give me a piece of paper you damn icy hot." I look at him for a moment before handing him a piece of paper and a pencil. He scribbles something down, then folds up the paper before i can see what it says. He slides the paper towards me. "Don't read it or I'll kill you" he mutters "give it to Deku, and don't tell him it's from me or i'll kill you." I nod and tuck the note into my backpack, somewhere where it won't get crushed or crumpled. I look up and Bakugou is gone. I shrug and gather my things, heading to the clinic to visit mom before going home.

Katsuki pov-

That damn half n half better not tell fucking Deku that that fucking note is from me. If he does I'll kill him, i swear. Stupid Deku. his fluffy green hair, his stupid fucking smile, his damn freckles, gah! He's fucking adorable, but if he found out... i don't know what I'd do.

~next morning, at school.~

Izuku pov-

I sit at my desk writing notes in my journal when Shouto walks up. "Good morning Izuku. I apologize for yesterday, and i have something for you. I didn't write it, but someone asked me to give this to you." He hands me a folded piece of paper and slowly walks away. I smile and wave at him before unfolding the paper. I blush slightly and quickly fold up the note. I recognized the hand writing immediately. He doesn't know i like him, does he? How could he know? He couldn't possibly know unless someone told him and Todoroki is the only person I've told. I glance at Todoroki, then i realize something. When i ran passed Kacchan yesterday, something fell out of my bag. I quickly open my backpack and look through my stuff. My letters! My eyes widen and i glance at Kacchan. Ohnoohnoohnoohnoohno- he's coming over here, crapcrapcrap.

Katsuki pov-

I catch the nerd looking at me and I walk over to him. He seems to be panicking internally, I mean, i understand why, he probably thinks I'm coming over here to use him as a punching bag or something. "What are you looking at Deku?" I growl. He looks down and I swear i almost touched his fluffy hair. "Izuku" i growl. I suddenly feel everyone's eyes on me. I look behind me and see everyone staring at us. Half n half looks smug, round face seems to be, fangirling? What the fuck ever. "What you staring at you damn extras?" i growl. Everyone turns away and starts talking excitedly amongst themselves. I turn back to Deku, who is staring at me now. "W-what did you c-call me?" he asks nervously. "Stop stuttering, i called you Izuku, that's your name isn't it?" he nods, his face nearly as red as a tomato.


"What?" i grumble. He slowly hands me a folded piece of paper, his hand shaking. I take the paper, and look at him "what?" "it's from you, isn't it?" he mutters. I slowly unfold the paper and read the two sentences i had written yesterday. Hey, i like you. If you figure out who this is, call me. I nod slowly. "Yeah, but the note says call me, not stare at me from across the room." he laughs nervously and takes the note back. Before i realize what I'm doing, I lean forward, using his desk to keep me from falling on top of him as i kiss his nose. I stand up, patting his fluffy head, then sitting down in my desk. 

(1066 words, not counting the 16 words at the top. Hope you liked the chapter, and don't worry about that ending, I'm not done, and I'll continue this chapter with another chapter later, but my brother wants me to hang out with him. I'll post another chapter later. Please forgive my ending of this chapter. Don't forget to vote and stay tuned for the next chapter. 😃)

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