Fluffy Stuff pt. 2 ~ Kiribaku

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(finally writing this!! I'm excited uwu. Just more kiribaku fluff today, but the next chapter i write will likely have some smut because I've been feeling bored and I'm excited to write some more smut. Enjoy the fluffy chapter!)

Warning: Cussing


Kirishima smiles, his face red. "Willyoubemyboyfriend" he says so fast it seems like it's all one word.

Bakugou chuckles. "Will I what?" He asks, knowing exactly what Kiri said, but wanting Kiri to say again, but slower.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Kirishima asks again, a little slower this time.

Bakugou smiles and nods. Kirishima links their fingers and pulls Bakugou to catch up to the group.


Katsuki pov-

I catch Deku staring at our linked hands and i glare at him, giving him the finger before he turns back around. I see him lean closer to that Icy-hot bastard and mumble something. Half n half looks back at me, glaring slightly as he pulls Deku closer to him. I growl quietly and Kiri squeezes my hand to get my attention. I look at him and smile slightly. I hear loud screeching from in front of us and everyone turns to look at raccoon eyes. She seems to be freaking out about something and Pikachu and tape arms seem to be trying to get her to quiet down. She continues to freak out, indiscreetly pointing at Kirishima and I. more specifically, our intertwined hands. A few of the other girls start crowding around and freaking out as well. (Bakugou, it's called fangirling.) I see Kiri turn red, and he seems uncomfortable. I pull him closer to me, wrapping my arm around his shoulders and pushing past the group. We end up beside Deku and Icy-hot, and i just glare at the lovebirds. Icy-hot glares back and I see Deku tug on his arm a little. I keep my arm around Kiri and i feel him rest his head against me. I glance at him and mess up his hair. "Katsuki!!" He exclaims. I chuckle and watch as he desperately tries to get it to stand back up. Everyone seems to be staring at us, and more than half the girls seem to have gone into meltdown mode.

"Isn't it just gonna get flattened down when you get in the water anyways?" I ask, messing with the end of Kiri's now flat hair. He shrugs. "Who said I was getting in the water?" He asks. "I did." I reply. He chuckles. "You can't make me get in the water." "Watch me." I retort. I grab him and throw him over my shoulder and run across the sand into the water. I drop him into the water. "It's cold!!" he shrieks. I hold him in the water. "That's not very manly." i chuckle. He sputters and stops struggling. I laugh and let him go. He stands up and tackles me into the water. I shout and start tickling him. He tries to get away but i grab him from behind and pull him into a tight hug. I nuzzle my face into his neck and he giggles. "St-stop Katsuki, that t-tickles and the others are watching." I glance up and the others sure as hell are watching us. "What the hell are you looking at extras?!" i shout. "The gay!" Kaminari shouts back. He dodges raccoon eyes hand as she tries to slap him. "What the hell did you say Pikachu!?" I shout. Kirishima grabs my arm to stop me from attacking dunce face. "Calm down," Kiri says, "it's fine." I sigh and slowly hug him. He hugs back then wiggles away. "Come on, lets go help the others lay out the towels and picnic blanket." I let him go and follow him out of the water and back on to the sand. 

We start helping the others. By we, i mean mostly Kiri helping and telling me to do a few things. I do whatever Kiri tells me with minimal argument, and Deku looks pretty fucking shocked that I'm being so docile. I glare at him and think about punching him in the face but damn Icy-hot comes over and leads Deku away from me. I growl quietly and Kiri tugs on my arm. "Just leave it, Katsuki, let's not fight today." I sigh and pull Kiri into a hug. I read somewhere that hugs can relieve stress, and it seems to work. I hear some of the girls giggling in a group a few feet away and i grumble quietly. Kiri pulls me towards the water and i just follow. "Come on Katsuki, let's go chill in the water." Kiri says. I lean close to his ear and whisper quietly. "Later it'll be Netflix and chill." I smirk. His face turns the color of a tomato and i burst into laughter. Kiri shoves slightly. "Katsukiii!!!" He whines. I just chuckle and grab his hand. "Eventually." I chuckle and pull him into the water. "Are you okay Kirishima?" Pikachu asks, "Your face is all red." he points out the obvious. I just chuckle more as Kiri turns and shoves his face into my chest. "What did you say to him?" Raccoon eyes asks, coming outta nowhere. I roll my eyes. "I was just joking around," I chuckle and lean close to Kiri's ear. "Or was I?" I whisper. He just groans and pushes past me and walks into the water. I watch him as he splashes his face with the water, then i glance back at Dunce face and Raccoon eyes. "I might tell you later. Might." I say then follow Kiri into the water. I grab him from behind and he shouts in surprise. "Gotcha." I chuckle and kiss the back of his neck.

I look around and notice the others had joined us in the water. I follow Kiri over to a group who were playing with a beach ball. We join the circle of students and toss the beach ball around. I eventually get bored and pull Kiri away from the group. I pull him further out into deeper water, then pull him into a nice warm hug. He wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my shoulder. I spot a few people looking at us, but once they realize i can see them they all look away. I hold Kiri tighter and softly kiss his neck. "K-Katsuki that tickles," he whines. I chuckle and kiss his cheek. "If you're bored we can leave. I'm sure the others won't mind. We can go to your dorm and watch a movie or something." I smirk slightly. "Or something?" I ask teasingly. He turns red and splashes some water in my face. "Love ya too" i chuckle. He freezes and looks at me. "W-w-what d-did you s-say?" He stutters. I smile and hug him again. "I said I love you. And I mean it." I whisper in his ear. He hugs me tightly and buries his face in my neck. "I love you t-too." He mumbles into my shoulder. I make him wrap his legs around my waist and start walking back towards the beach, ignoring the stares from everyone in our class.

I wrap a towel around Kiri and pick him up bridal style. "We're heading back to the dorms. See y'all tomorrow!" He calls to the others as I start walking away with him in my arms. "Have fun!" i hear raccoon eyes call and i chuckle. I look down at Kiri to seem him completely red. "Mina!" I hear a few of the others shout and a lot of splashing but I just keep walking. Once we get to the dorms I walk into the showers and put Kiri down. "We should shower before going upstairs." I explain. "I'll be right back with some clothes for both of us." I say then walk back out of the showers. I head upstairs and go into my room. I grab two of my t-shirts and two pairs of sweats. I grab two clean towels and go back downstairs. I set the stuff down in a dry place and get showered.

~after they're showered and dressed~

Still Katsuki pov-

Once we're both showered and dressed we go up to my room and sit down on my bed. We sit there for a moment in silence to gather our thoughts. I get up and grab the tv remote. I turn the tv on and go into Netflix. Kiri gives me a questioning look and i smirk. "Netflix and chill." I say quietly. His face bursts into red and i chuckle. "I'm kidding," I say, "or am I?" I tease. I turn the lights off and sit back down on my bed. I scroll through the movies before picking a random action movie and sitting back against my pillows. Kiri slowly moves towards me and sits beside me. I pull him into my lap and smile. "I'm sure it's more comfy there than leaning on my shoulder." I say softly. He nods and leans back against me. I wrap me arms around him and rest my chin on his head.

(1511 words! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to vote and put requests n stuff in the comments. I'll probably write another chapter of this titled Netflix and chill, and it'll probably (most likely(definitely)) have some smut. Have a nice day/night!)

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