Love the way you hate me pt. 2\\Katsudeku

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(writing this chapter, i realize the title isn't that fitting but eh, whatever. Hope you enjoy part 2 of "love the way you hate me")


Katsuki pov-

Izuku walks over to my table and mumbles something under his breath. "Speak up nerd" I grumble. He looks up and meets my eyes. "C-can i sit here?" he asks quietly. "Of fucking course you dumbass." i reply. Izuku smiles slightly and sits down across from me with his food. "Why did you wanna sit with me?" I ask. "W-well, i wanted to talk to you, i didn't wanna wait til after school to call you." I roll my eyes "tch, talk about what?" I ask. "W-well..i was wondering i-if..." "spit it out Izuku." I grumble. He blushes. "D-do you wanna hang out? I-if you say yes, I'm bringing Shouto. And before you argue, I'm not going to hang out with you alone, i don't exactly trust you completely, but i do wanna hang ou-" I cut him off by gently pressing my lips to his. He blushes and pulls away quickly. "K-k-kacchan!" he exclaims. I just smirk and lean back in my seat.

Izuku pov-

Th-that's the second time he's kissed me today. I sit there in shock for a few moments before looking up to meet his gaze. His red eyes blaze with something i haven't seen very often. "K-kacchan" i say in a whisper barely audible. He nods slightly, letting me know he heard me. "W-why do you hate me?" I ask quietly. He thinks for a moment. "Izuku Midoriya, I don't hate you. I thought i was protecting you, i never meant to bully you, i never meant to hurt you, but i needed a way to push you away." He sighs like a great weight had just been lifted from his shoulders and locks eyes with me. I look away, not really bothering to hide my blush. Fortunately for me the bell rings and Shouto comes over to walk me to my next class. I wave at Kacchan and he shoves a piece of paper in my hand. I tuck the note in my pocket and follow Shouto to class. I walk into the class and sit in my desk. I look at the note Kacchan had given me and smile. Cafe and amusement park after school. I glance up at Kacchan as he walks into the classroom and nod. He nods back and sits down in his desk, which happens to be in front of me. I tap his shoulder and he turns to look at me. I can sense everyone in class staring at us, holding their breaths waiting for Kacchan to blow my head off. "What Deku?" "u-uh.." I mumble then just go for it. I kiss his nose and he stares at me for a few seconds. "Tch" he turns back around in his seat and Mr. Aizawa walks in. I slip Kacchan a piece of paper with the words pay back written on it. He turns around slightly to look at me. He smirks and quietly chuckles. He scribbles something on the paper and hands it back to me. I'll get you for that later nerd. I blush and quickly shove the paper in my backpack before Mr. Aizawa decides to read it to the whole class.

~after class~

Izuku pov-

After class ends, Kacchan leaves the classroom as quickly as possible. I pull out my phone and text Kacchan to wait for me at the front of the school. He sends a thumbs up emoji back and I put my phone away. I gather my things together and grab my backpack. Shouto walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Hey Shouto." I smile up at him. He gives a half smile back. "Hey Izuku." he replies. I put my backpack on my back and start towards the door. Shouto follows, easily keeping up with my fast pace. "What's the hurry Izuku?" he asks, grabbing my sleeve. "Oh, uh.." i look up to find him really close. "E-eek, t-to close Shouto" I squeak. He smirks and starts kissing me as he pushes me against a wall. I tried to push him away without using my quirk, but he's too strong. Suddenly he's gone and I look around. Kacchan has him by his throat. "Don't touch him again, you hear me you half n half bastard?" Kacchan growls at Shouto. I run over and grab Kacchan's sleeve. "K-kacchan, l-let him go!" "why should i?" Kacchan growls. "B-because he's my friend." Kacchan sighs and let's go of Shouto. He grabs my arm and starts pulling me away. "He's not coming." Kacchan growls. I nod. "Okay." I choose not to argue, not really wanting Shouto to came after what just happened. Kacchan lets go of my arm to instead grab my hand. I slowly intertwine our fingers and we walk together to a cat cafe.

Katsuki pov-

That damn half n half. How dare he touch my Deku. I should've beat him to a pulp, but i chose to take Deku away from that fuckface instead. We walk into the cat cafe and Deku drags me over to the cats. We play with the cats for a few moments then i ask Deku if he wants anything. "Just some tea is fine" he says quietly. I nod and stand up, gently patting his head. "I'll be right back." he nods and smiles as i go over to the counter. I order two sweet teas, and go back over to Deku, who practically has a army of cats surrounding him. I smile and sit beside him, a few of the cats run off. He smiles and looks up a me as he takes his tea. "Thanks Kacchan." I wonder how he can be so calm after what happened, and how he can be so comfortable around me despite me bullying him since elementary school. "Do you still wanna go to the amusement park?" I ask. He quickly nods, looking adorable as he sips his tea.

~a little while later~

Izuku pov-

I pet a few of the cats as we get ready to leave. "You sure you aren't gonna try sneaking out with half the cats?" Kacchan asks jokingly. I laugh softly and shake my head. "Mom would never let me get a cat." i giggle. "I wish though, they're all so cute and sweet and soft." "like you." I hear Kacchan mumble. I blush and grab his hand. "Lets go now." i say, smiling up at him. He nods and starts walking out. I hum softly as we walk to the amusement park. When we get to the entrance i start getting out money to pay for our tickets, but Kacchan was already paying for two tickets. We enter the amusement park and i look around in awe. "We should invite our classmates next time we come here, have a little class field trip." I say. Kacchan shrugs. "Whatever nerd." i smile and drag Kacchan over to the nearest ride. After riding a few rides, Kacchan buys some cotton candy and we sit down on a bench to share the spun sugar. Once we're finished with the cotton candy we go on a few slow rides so we don't get sick. Mostly me. I blush as we get in line for the ferris wheel. Kacchan gets close to my ear and whispers, "this is our last ride, then I'm taking you home because it's getting late." I blush at his closeness and grab his arm. "Th-thank you." i say softly. I feel him lean down and press his face into my hair. After waiting in line for a few minutes it's our turn to get on the ferris wheel. I sit down and Kacchan sits down next to me. He pulls me close, tucking me under his arm as we start going up. I lay my head against him, yawning slightly. "Tired Izuku?" Kacchan asks. I nod, blushing slightly at him calling me my real name. He plays with my hair, and i can tell he's smiling. "You can fall asleep, I can carry you home." I nod slightly as i yawn again.


I wake up as Kacchan is carrying me out of the amusement park. I stretch slightly and snuggle into his chest. I can sense him smile as he holds me tighter. I smile and put my arms around his neck. "I love you." i mumble. "I know stupid nerd." he sighs "i love you too."


Kacchan knocks on the door when we get to my house. My mom opens the door a few moments later and sighs in relief. "Oh thank god he's okay. Thank you for bringing him home Katsuki." Kacchan grunts and nods. Mom moves out of the doorway to let Kacchan in. He carries me to the couch and lays me down. Mom walks over "my Izuku is okay right?" she asks. Kacchan nods. "Yeah, he's just tired, that's all." Mom sighs in relief and thanks Kacchan again. "I'll be going now." Kacchan says. "Oh, why don't you stay the night like you used to when you and Izuku were kids." Mom says excitedly. "That's really not necessary, ms Midoriya." Kacchan says. "Call me Inko Katsuki! I've known you since you were a baby, there's really no need for such formalities." mom says. Kacchan nods. He gently pats my head. "I should probably go home, my mother might be worried." he mumbles. "Oh, i see. I hope to see you soon Katsuki." Kacchan nods. "Goodbye, see you tomorrow Deku." I wave as he walks out the front door. Mom looks at me and smiles. I blush and shake my head "mooom." She giggles. "Okay okay. Goodnight Izuku." she says. She kisses my forehead then goes up to her room. I go up to my room as well and get ready for bed.

(1620 words, i'm proud of myself. I feel like i might make an actual boom out of these, but it would probably be pretty short. If i don't do a book, i'll probably write a part three. I'm taking requests, so please comment or pm me. Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter. Have a nice day/night!)

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