Izuku's Birthday

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(So, it's Izuku's birthday, and it's 11:32 pm, so I've got less than thirty minutes to type this one-shot, but hey, we love a procrastinator. Anyways, I'd better hurry. Also, it's my birthday too, so if u could get a few happy birthdays in the comments, that would make me incredibly happy.)

(Warnings: Profanity)

Izuku sat up in bed, yawning. He stretched his arms out and looked around the room. His eyes landed on his calendar, and his eyes widened in realization. It was his birthday. He smiled at the thought and pushed his blankets off of himself.

He climbed out of bed and snuck into the bathroom to take care of his morning routine. He finished quickly and darted downstairs, immediately met with the smell of pancakes and bacon. He grinned and stepped into the kitchen.

"Happy birthday, Izuku!" Inko said as he entered the kitchen.

Izuku smiled and hugged his mom. "Thanks, mom," he said, looking at the pancakes.

"Hope you're hungry. Also, Mitsuki is bringing Katsuki over later," Inko said.

Izuku smiled and nodded. "Starving," he said, ignoring the fact that Katsuki was coming over.

~Over at the Bakugou's house~


Katsuki growled and stomped downstairs. "What do you want old hag?" He said grumpily.

"It's Izuku Midoriya's birthday, and you're going over there to wish him a happy birthday."

Katsuki growled. He turned around and went to stomp back up the stairs, but was stopped by a hand on his collar.

"There's no arguing about this. I already told Inko I would take you over there. Get dressed, we're leaving soon." The hand released him and he stomped upstairs.

"That fucking old hag. Forcing me to hang out with fucking Deku," he grumbled more complaints as he got ready to leave.

×Time skip brought to you by my procrastination×

Katsuki and Mitsuki Bakugou had arrived at the Midoriya's home. Mitsuki knocked on the door, and it was quickly answered by Inko. Inko lead the two inside, smiling. Izuku looked at Katsuki, then back down to the ground.

"Hey, Mrs. Bakugou. H-hey, Kacchan..," the green-haired boy mumbled.

Katsuki just grumbled. Mitsuki smiled and smacked Katsuki.

"You boys have fun, Inko and I are going out for a bit," Mitsuki said.

Izuku looked up quickly, slightly panicked. Katsuki growled and crossed his arms. Inko and Mitsuki said goodbye before quickly leaving. Katsuki threw himself onto the couch and grabbed the tv remote. Izuku stood there nervously, silently watching Katsuki.

"You just going to stand there and stare at me, or are you going t ok say something?" Katsuki growled.

"O-oh, uh... D-do you want me to get anything?" Izukh asked nervously.

"It's your fucking birthday, isn't it? Why the fuck would you be doing anything for anyone? Happy birthday, stupid nerd," Katsuki grumbled quietly.

Izuku stood there for a moment longer, slightly shocked. "Th-thanks, Kacchan," he mumbled.

"What the fuck ever," Katsuki grumbled. He sat up and made room for Izuku to sit down. "Just come sit the fuck down. We'll watch a k ok vie or some shit."

Izuku bit his lip and nodded. He slowly walked over to the couch and sat down. He sat as far away from Katsuki as he could without curling himself into the corner.

Katsuki looked at Izuku and huffed. "Fucking shitty nerd. I'm not going to kill you, it's your birthday. Although, that would be cool, but I don't need you being cooler than me," he grumbled.

Izuku shifted slightly closer to Katsuki and bit his lip. "H-hey Kacchan..?" He said quietly.

"What?" Katsuki said, looking at Izuku.

Izuku shrank away slightly as Katsuki looked at him. "Why are you being so nice? Well, nice for you... Don't say that it's just cause it's my birthday, because that cannot be your only excuse."

Katsuki looked away and growled. "Fucking fine, it's not. I.."

"What is it, Kacchan?" Izuku asked.

"It's because..."

"Kacchan? You're hesitating? It can't be that bad.."

Katsuki stood up and walked away. He stomped into the kitchen and made an awful lot of noise as he looked for something. He came fifteen minutes later with a bowl of popcorn.

"We're going to watch The Lion King," Katsuki grumbled.

(666 words. Not counting the two authors' notes. Hehehe, I'll continue this. But it's 11:59 pm)

(655 words after edits, not including author's notes, 735 words total)

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