Izuku's Birthday (Part 2)

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(Yes, my dear readers it has taken me this long to get around to doing this. I apologize for taking so long.) (I would suggest re-reading part one to refresh your memory)

Izuku has used tissues scattered around him as the movie ended. "Tch, damn nerd," Katsuki muttered. He stood up and grabbed the almost empty box of tissues, tossing it onto the coffee table. Izuku started gathering the dirtied tissues. "Sorry, Kacchan," he mumbled, putting the tissues into the empty popcorn bowl to throw them into the trash. He put the bowl in the kitchen sink and yelped softly as he turned. "There's no need to shout," Katsuki grumbled. "Sorry, Kacchan," Izuku mumbled, looking away. "Stop apologizing, Deku," Katsuki grumbled. He stepped around the green-haired boy and put his bowl in the sink. "Uh, mom made... mom made lemonade yesterday.. if you want some..." "Sure," the blond responded calmly.

Izuku stared at the blond for a moment before snapping out of his daze and walking over to the fridge. He grabbed a pitcher of lemonade as Katsuki got down glasses for the two of them. Izuku carefully poured the lemonade and handed the blond a glass. "Uh, what do you want to do now?" "I should be asking you that," Katsuki responded. Izuku blushed lightly and looked down. "Oh... I don't know, Kacchan," he responded honestly. 

Izuku stared at the ground trying to decide what he wanted to do. He gasped audibly and nearly dropped his glass as he felt a hot breath on his ear. He was suddenly very aware of how close Katsuki was, the blond's hand on the glass Izuku had nearly dropped. "Careful Deku," the blond whispered. "Don't want to make a mess~" Izuku could almost hear the smirk Katsuki wore in the tone of his voice. The blond let go of the glass once he was sure the green-haired boy had a grip on it. Izuku set the glass down on the counter and swiftly stepped around Katsuki, darting out of the kitchen. 

The blond smirked and set his glass down, quietly following Izuku. "Where you goin' Deku?" he asked as the green-haired boy disappeared into his room. "Away from you, you're being weird," Izuku called. Katsuki pushed the door open and narrowed his eyes at the shorter boy. "The fuck did you say?" the blond growled. Izuku squeaked and dove under his blankets. Katsuki's smirk returned, replacing his usual scowl as he approached the bed. "You can't run away from your birthday present," he said. "Izuku~" he cooed teasingly, now standing beside the bed. 

Izuku was so confused. Why was Katsuki acting like this? What did he want? The green-haired boy let out a high pitched squeak, his face turning a bright red as he heard Katsuki say his name. He didn't respond, his brain trying to process what was going on. He grabbed onto the blanket, letting out another squeak as the blond attempted to tug it away from him. "Oh Izu~" Katsuki cooed. Izuku couldn't help the shudder that ran down his spine hearing the nickname. He slowly poked his head out from under the blanket, looking up at the blond. 

Izuku's breath caught in his throat as he stared up at his childhood best friend, suddenly seeing the blond in a new light. Katsuki's gaze didn't hold any anger towards the green-haired boy, and his lips danced in a tempting smirk. "Oh, there he is~" the blond cooed. He leaned down, looking directly into emerald eyes, so close Izuku could feel the blond's breath on his lips. Izuku's face heated up as a dark red blush covered his cheeks. He felt a hand on his cheek, too focused on Katsuki's eyes to notice. He could feel Katsuki moving closer, but he didn't stop him.

And then Katsuki's lips were on his, the blond's eyes sliding closed. Izuku tensed, his eyes widening. He'd known it was coming, so why did it shock him so much? He slowly melted into the kiss, Katsuki's lips soft against his own. The blond slowly pulled away, chuckling. "You're a terrible kisser, Deku." Izuku could tell from Katsuki's tone that he was joking, but his heart fell slightly at the nickname. "Well you kind of just stole my first kiss," he grumped, crossing his arms. Katsuki smirked. "Come take it back then~" 

Izuku sat up quickly, kicking the thin blanket away. He grabbed Katsuki's shirt collar and roughly pulled him down into a kiss. Katsuki's eyes blew wide, not expecting that from the smaller boy. He put his hands down on the bed, pushing closer to Izuku as his eyes slid closed. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss, smirking slightly as Izuku's grip on his shirt loosened. He broke the kiss enough to speak but didn't move very far away. "Can't handle a kiss Deku?" "How experienced are you?" The green-haired boy asked in return. "Experienced enough." "Which means I'm not your first kiss," Izuku breathed out, releasing Katsuki's shirt entirely as he laid back. Katsuki snorted. "No?" He leaned closer to the smaller boy. "I had to practice to make this better for you~" he whispered. Izuku blushed and turned his head away. 

Katsuki frowned at Izuku's reaction. "What is 'this' exactly?" Izuku finally spoke, turning his head to look Katsuki in the eye. Katsuki paused for a moment. "Whatever you want it to be? Look, I... I don't mean to pressure you.  I'm sorry," the blond said, standing up straight. "I understand... if you're mad at me. After all the shit I put you through you should hate me-" "That's not it," Izuku interrupted. "I'm just confused Kacchan. What about you and Kirishima?" Confusion flickered across Katsuki's face. "What about me and shitty hair?" "I thought-" "Oh! No. Shitty hair and I aren't a thing. He knows that too. Just two bros helping each other out, I think that's what he said." Izuku stared at the blond for a moment. "But you two had a thing going on," he finally concluded. Katsuki sighed. "Yeah we had a thing, I told him before summer started what I had planned for your birthday."

Izuku sighed and closed his eyes. "You've been planning this for a while then, haven't you?" He whispered. Katsuki nodded. "Where were you planning for this to go?" "I didn't have much of a plan actually. I was looking for the perfect chance to kiss you and see where things go from there." Izuku let his eyes flutter open, looking into Katsuki's to search for any hint of dishonesty. "Kiss me again," he whispered. Katsuki tilted his head slightly as he leaned down. "Are you sure?" he asked quietly. Izuku nodded and slowly wrapped his arms around Katsuki's neck. The blond slowly leaned closer, his eyes fluttering closed as he gently pressed his lips against Izuku's.

(Part three? Probably not lmao.)

(1113 words excluding author's notes)

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