Apocalypse Part 12

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Author Note;

Actually, I have none. Carry on folks.


We all froze as thunder echoed around us. A while ago, it wouldn't have been much but a flight annoyance, but since we'd ended up here because of a storm...

Wither turned and faced us. "Talk later." He said. "Find Meaty now." He led Grian and Mumbo outside.

I stayed back for a second with Ren.

"He's hiding something." Ren muttered.

I looked sharply at him. "Great job Sherlock."

Ren gave me a confused look. "No, I'm Scooby."

I sighed and went after the others, Ren trailing behind me.

We caught up with them at the big tree Mumbo and I had landed on the first day we were here. How many days has it been? I wondered.

We must have been here at least three, the first being our arrival, the second when we found Ren and Grian, the third being today. Wow.

They were looking up at the sky. I lifted my head up and; oh no.

It looked as though a giant hunk of land had been ripped out of the earth and was floating in the sky. Kind of like the base Ren was working on back in Hermitcraft. I looked over at my hybrid friend and I could tell he was thinking the same thing.

But unlike the Hermit's, this was no fun build. The castle perched on top of the floating island was definitely not from a fairy tale.

Tall towers, barracks with rows of swords, blood red stone, and banners featuring bloody swords aren't usually found in Sleeping Beauty.

"Well. Unless somebody can fly, how are we getting up there?" Mumbo asked.

My hopes of finding a flying Hermit were crushed as Grian said. "We don't need that."

He held up some tnt and a bucket of water.

Ren frowned. "All this time. When we fought Meaty. You had tnt?"

"Why do you even HAVE any in the first place?" Mumbo asked.

"You never know when you'll need it." Grian answered evenly.

"Like what?" I questioned.

The Brit shrugged. "You know, pranks."

I reminded myself not to get on Grian's bad side.

We made a small launcher and took turns quickly flying up to the island.

Our little squad snuck around the castle looking for the door. I turned a corner and immediately jumped back.

"Whoa." Wither, who was behind me muttered. "What's wrong?"

"Well good news, I found the door." I peeked around the corner. "Bad news, I also found the guards."

The dark, wooden doors were being guarded by two... I didn't even know what they were. They looked like normal humans girls... ish.

The left side of their bodies were normal. One had fair skin, long gold hair and a blue eye. The other had a more tan colour, with a brown eye, and short brown hair.

But the other side of them was different. Grey skin, red eye, and black hair. It was perfectly split down the middle, one half normal, one half odd. Weird.

Then again, I'm a creeper, Ren's a dog, and we're being hunted by a madman with the alias Meaty. Who am I to complain?

"What are they?" I asked.

Wither looked down.

Mumbo noticed. "Wither" he spoke gently. "What is it?"

"Well," he whispered. "They're a shape shifting species, although that is their normal form. They're from the underworld. One parent is human. The other parent is a minor death god like Thanatos, Charon, Styx, or Lethe, to name a few."

"What are they called?" I asked.

He took a breath. "They're called Halfhels."


I was at lost for words.

"Then why did Meaty call you a Halfhel?" Ren asked.

I elbowed Ren. "He is a Halfhel." I hissed. "That's what he was hiding."

Mumbo and Grian stared at Wither.

"And this." Wither pointed at the Architech's expressions. "Is exactly why I don't tell people."

"I don't want people judging me based on what species I am."

That was a fair point. And again, I'm a creeper. Ren's a dog. What difference does a Halfhel make?

Grian thought for a minute. "Wait." He held up a hand. "If you were to go into that form." he pointed to the general direction of the guards.

"Would you be able to sneak in?"

I hadn't thought about that.

Wither thought for a second. "Sure." He said after a minute. "I'll try. Just don't freak out when I change." He added.

We nodded and watched as our new friend closed his eyes.

The changing started small. A patch of warm grey blossomed on the back of his left hand and spread, slowly making its way up the arm. Half of his neck changed, and half of his face too. The hair on that part of his head went black at the roots, and shot down to the ends.

His eyes opened and his left one was blood red.

"Well." Wither's voice was the same, but it sounded weird coming out of this new creature's body.

"Let's kill Meaty."

OOOHHHHH! Suspense! Sorry for the short chapter, I was busy today. Halfhels aren't actually a real thing, they're a species I created.

Basically, here's what they look like.

So one side is a normal human, the other side is grey

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So one side is a normal human, the other side is grey. They all follow this formula, and yes, they can be different races.

That is me in minecraft. I made the skin.

I'm probably not going to upload tomorrow. I'm going to be really busy, so I won't have much time to write.

I'll make up for it though! I promise!

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