26: he touched the butt

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by the time michael had returned to the kitchen with two water bottles in hand - which had taken him quite a while to find since all anyone offered him was beer - he saw calum's face inches away from devon's.

but it wasn't sexual in any way. he could tell by the look on devon's face that she was uncomfortable and frightened, kind of like a puppy being corned by a lion.

"is there a problem here?" he asked casually, pretending like he didn't have a clue who calum was. he put on his best puzzled-yet-innocent face as calum shot him a glare.

"who's this, devvy? i don't think you properly introduced me." calum smirked, looking down at devon's scared - and also slighly annoyed - expression.

"there's no way i'm introducing you to him. he doesn't need such an asshole like you in his life," she said simply, causing the smirk to drop from calum's face.

michael smiled slightly, amused by the look calum was wearing. "she always jokes like this with me. i'm her boyfriend, calum. it's nice to meet you," calum said with a smile that michael could tell was obviously fake. he swung an arm around devon's shoulder and she flinched, trying to shrug it off.

"it's funny you mention that. i'm sure you two are so happy together." michael grinned as devon furrowed her eyebrows in either annoyance or confusion. "it's also funny because i'm her real boyfriend. so if you would kindly remove your fucking arm off of her, that would be fantastic."

calum's arm immediately dropped to his side as his eyes widened in realization. "devon, who is this guy?"

"my boyfriend," she answered smoothly, inching away from calum and closer towards michael.

"well why don't i know his name yet?"

"because he's too good for a douchebag like you to know."

with that, devon took michael by the arm and pulled him away from calum. they escaped back into the living room, where they could easily get lost in the crowd. "what a scumbag!" michael yelled, making sure to keep a firm grip on devon's hand.

"i know right? he could literally feel the adrenaline clouding his mind as he turned around and met devon's sad eyes.

"are you okay? do you want to leave?" he asked as lowly as he could with her still being able to understand, and she nodded.

they pushed their way to the front of the house, and michael accidentally touched a butt or two in the process. he made sure that devon was still behind him and the two didn't speak a word to each other until they were sitting side by side on the subway.

devon didn't know what to do so she started crying instead.

ignoring the three others on the subway car with them, michael wrapped an arm around her shoulders as she sobbed into her hands. he pulled her in for a hug, stroking her hair softly and humming in her ear.

"breathe, breathe, breathe," he repeated, and he was pleased when her breathing noticeably slowed and she wiped her eyes (which were now smudged very unprofessionally).

"i'm sorry," she whispered, burying her face into his chest once again.

michael kissed her hair. "for what?"

"for ruining your night. for being such a pussy when little things like this happen to me and - "

"you didn't ruin my night, and you're not a pussy," michael interrupted, giving devon a hesitant smile even though she couldn't see his face. "if i were in your position i would cry too. it's okay to cry every once and a while; even the strongest people cry themselves to sleep sometimes."

devon nodded and choked out one final breath.

and that's the story of how two lonely teenagers were found curled up next to each other on the subway at midnight. two lonely teenagers who were madly in love and had yet to realize that they were not as alone as they thought they were.


wtf was that shitty ending wow ok

heLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO it's been forever how have you been wHAT


this is honestly so amazing and i'm so glad i have such sexy readers wink wink nudge nudge

i hope all your weekends are fabulous and my homecoming is saturday night so hehe ;-))))

gettin turnt !!!

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