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It's finally starting to feel like spring here.

The weather has been warm making days like this it's most pleasing.

I've always enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the city life. As long as it was busy, so was I. Even throughout the constant on the go, it wasn't hard to find small pockets of nature like this beautiful park I've happened to luck on while here. The greenery spoke a beautiful story of rebirth as the birds sung in chorus this song of a peaking equinox. The sun shone down its brightest on this masterpiece of scenery.

I wish my thoughts mirrored the same contrast.

A week has passed since I've learned the truth about him. His secret that he kept from me for three intensifying months. I feel like the biggest idiot on the planet.

How could I not have known?

I never pried. I just figured that he didn't like talking about work because it was stressful and he didn't want to have it near a place where he found peace. Be as it may, truth was held with that along with the fact that he was an internationally known singer.

Secretly I wished he was a runway model, that may have been easier to deal with.

Since knowing, I started researching.

My mind was blown at the loads of things I saw of him. The internet can be such a tragedy sometimes.

Not telling him but I've even listened to him or their music rather. Even his solo work. I was beyond impressed.

The mysterious tune that he hummed to me during our weekend together was now haunting and I couldn't think of the lyrics without a tear surfacing.

This is hard.

He's been working lots and will be leaving soon to my native country. I learned they were very well received there making me feel like an even bigger idiot.

I was never one to keep up with pop culture anyway. My younger cousin had to tell me who some boy group from the earlier 2000s were and it wasn't even her era.

It made me giggle and made me realize that maybe that's why I appealed to him so, my cluelessness.

My phone buzzed and I lifted it to see it was him calling. Phone calls used to be rare, now they were slowly becoming common along with texting. I nervously glanced around before answering.


"Hi." His deep voice resounded. "How are you?"

"Fine." I smiled when I was really far from it.

A brief silence dragged between us.

"Where are you?" He asked after probably listening for some background noise.

"I'm at a park. I'm not sure of it's name." I answered as I watched the different folks walk around. "Where are you?"

"Work. Rehearsing. I...Hmm...taking a small break." He answered.

"Oh. I see." I began to fidget with my nails.

"May I see you tonight?"

Three months later and those words still stirs me with an excited nervousness.

"Sure. Anything you have in mind to do?"

Another brief pause but I could faintly hear a voice in the background.

"Spend time with you." I could hear the smile in his answer that made me smile too. His determination to make whatever this is work was very evident lately.

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