Chapter 15 | Pranks and Hijinks

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     You entered the Gryffindor common room after having quite the discussion with the Fat Lady. She scolded you for a bit, shaming you for being out past curfew. When you gave her a girlish smile and wiggled your brows she only scoffed, muttering 'That Sirius Black, ruining girls-' before allowing you entry inside. Of course, what you entered was the definition of a teen movie.

     Remus and Peter had charmed your mattress into being one lean, mean, stair riding machine. It was like a rollercoaster almost, resetting itself on it's own as the two boys gleefully rode it down the stairs. It seemed they forgot to fix the end, however, since they repeated the same graceful arc you did. Except, it wasn't graceful at all. Peter managed to turn into a little ball and land on the couch, but Remus? Oh, poor Remus. The boy was all limbs, and he got caught on the ledge, slamming his stomach into the top of the couch. You grimaced, carefully walking past them and taking a seat next to Lily. 

     "How'd the chase go on your half?" You asked, Lily snacking on some candy. She shrugged, pointing at Remus.

     "Managed to get us through the first half of the steps, but eventually we got stuck on a platform while Filch screamed at us from above for a while." You chuckled.

     "'Ain't that the life I want to be living," you mused, leaning back. You stared at her in anticipation. She stared back at you in feigned confusion. "Come on, Lils," you begged. She laughed, reaching over the back of the love seat to throw a bag of butterscotches. She sent you a wink as you playfully shoved her.

     "A lots happened, huh?" She questioned, sucking on her lolly pop idly. You nodded.

     "That's just life though, isn't it?" You asked. It was her turn to shrug now. 

      The door to the commons opened, this time Sirius and James stumbling in grinning, arms wrapped around each other. They took one look at Remus and Peter before running to join them, laughing. You and Lily shared a laugh at their child like reactions before standing to watch them. 

     "Lily, this one's for you," James declared, attempting to bust open his shirt but only ripping a few buttons. He loosened his tie and tied it around his head, egging Sirius to do the same until he sighed and caved in. James continued to do a speech of sorts, declaring his love for Lily, being overall dramatic, demanding attention. Sirius stood behind him, shaking his head with a smirk at his words before he caught your eye and sent a sly wink your way. His own little discrete version of James' parade. You smiled at him before they both took their respective seats on the mattress, but before anything could happen Sirius grabbed James by the shoulder.

      "Awfully sorry about this, mate. But had to make this more interesting somehow," Sirius grinned. James furrowed his brows in confusion before Sirius took his wand and made the motion of Wingardium Leviosa. A shout of utter terror left James with an enthusiastic whoop from Sirius and they were off, on your mattress, flying around the commons room. You could only pray McGonagall wouldn't come to check on you all...

      "Sirius, bloody hell you oaf!" James yelled, fingers digging into the mattress. You side eyed Lily to try and see what her expression was, which was stone faced. But if you looked close enough you could see her bottom lip quivering- she burst out into laughter nearly doubling over. Great, now how were you supposed to keep a straight face? 

     You don't. The answer is you don't.

     You keel over in a fit of laughter. Your ribs ache, you can barely breathe, tears are running down your face, and James' glasses have flinged off his head to hit the wall and bounce to some unknown location. Lily grabbed your hand and squeezed it, the two of you unable to from any coherent sentences as Remus frantically chased the boys around, falling over furniture.

      Then you look up.

      You look up at them and you meet grey irises looking at you with a glint of child like amusement in their eyes. The tiniest of smiles is on Sirius' face and for a second it feels like everything just...stops. Until you hear the tiniest little squeak from Peter of utter fear as he stares at the door in anticipation. You lock eyes and it doesn't take long to realize a professor is coming as you hiss at Remus, gaining the boy's attention as he leered his head to look at you.

     "Look!" You whispered. Remus' eyes widened as he uttered a silent charm at the mattress before it came crashing down onto the floor. It happened so suddenly there was no time for the boys to yell before it all came into a heap right next to you, nearly crushing you while Sirius let out a breathless groan of pain. 

     You could see Remus frantically throwing blankets at everyone before leaping onto the couch in a fake sleeping position. Peter hid beneath the coffee table and squeezed his eyes shut. James snored obnoxiously and Lily managed to sprint back upstairs. But you just kept staring at Sirius, a grin on both of your faces as strands of black hair fell into his face, you throwing a blanket over the two of you just as the door opened.

     Silence. Then a low humming noise and a disappointed sigh.

     "Ten points from Gryffindor, only that low because of Ms. (L/n)," the voice of McGonagall rang throughout the room. 

     "Wait what-" Remus fell off the couch in his panic, queuing Peter to slam his head against the table as he tried to see what was happening before she left once more. You all stared at each other, biting your lips. No one wanted to be the first to laugh. 

     "Reckon it was because of where James' glassed landed?" Sirius mused, propping himself on his elbows as you followed his gaze. They were stuck on the portrait, right on top of Godric Gryffindor's portrait. There goes the composure...

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