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Two weeks go by, and Rex is adjusting really well to us. Today is graduation, so we make our way to the school one last time.
We put on our robes, and wait. "The class of 2019 was amazing. I had a great time teaching these students..."
"I loved Willowbrooke High. These four magical years..."
We waited for the speeches to be over, and then waited for our names to be called.
"Kieran Stevens." She stands up, and I watch my perfect girlfriend walk up the steps and receive her diploma.
Two more minutes, and I hear it. "Sabrina Shadow-Shire." I had changed my name to fit my mom's and my dad's last names. I walk up, stumbling slightly, and hug Becca as she hands me my diploma.
   I sit back down next to Kieran. "We did it." We day at the same time. We did indeed. Now we just have to go through college.

-one year later-

   Kieran and I have one more year to do for college, and then we can open up our own business. We're the youngest students in our class, but we are also the best.
   We both have the best grades of every student, and we're taking advanced courses for our major. We both got promoted at the clinic in Oaks, and now we actually get paid.
   I had to quit my job at the library once I graduated, but I still keep in touch with Leah.
   Next year, Kieran and I will open our veterinary hospital in Willowbrooke, and once it gets running we will adopt some more pets and a few kids. Our life is working out perfectly.

   Okay so the next chapter will be the epilogue, and it will take place about five years after their college graduation.

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