The Accident

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Val didn't mean to point the gun at Meryl. He was so drunk that he thought he was pointing at the sky when he fired it. When he heard Meryl scream, he thought she was screaming in celebration, not in pain.

"Ohhh the pain! Maks help me! It hurts too much!" Screamed Meryl, who had collapsed to the ground clenching her stomach, which was bleeding profusely.

"Val, you drunken idiot! Look what you've done!" Maks screamed at Val, all while rushing to Meryl's side, with tears welling up in his big brown eyes. "Shhhhhh, shhhhhh MerBear it will be ok, shhhhhhhh..." Maks said while stroking Meryl's wavy, long brown hair.

"I'll call 9-1-1" said Nicole, who was so shaken up that she couldn't dial correctly.

"No I will call" said Serge, who was also shaken up, but not as badly as Nicole.

"Um guys," said Teddy, "someone needs to get the gun from Val...".

"My idiot brother, I'm gonna kill him!" Screamed Maks, who was about to leave Meryl to wrestle his brother for the gun when Meryl whispered "no babe, don't leave me!" She begged as she grabbed his arm.

Maks couldn't bear to leave her, especially since he didn't know if these would be the last moments he would have with her.

"I will get the gun from Val" said Alex. Alex felt guilty for bringing the gun and for not taking better care of how it was handled.

"Yo Val," Alex said, approaching Val with much caution, "give me the gun."

"Heck no! The party is just getting started!" Val slurred, all while waving his hand, which held the gun.

"Don't you realize what you've done?!" Exclaimed Alex, who was becoming furious for his best friend's ignorance. He didn't care if he was drunk, surely he must know what he's done?! Thought Alex.

"Yeah I know what I did! I fired the gun up into the sky and Meryl screamed because she's happy! Isn't that right Meryl?" Val turned to ask her.

Meryl was then unconscious. "Val..." said Maks, in a tone that would make the hair on your spine stand up, "you shot her... you didn't shoot the sky... you shot MY beloved MERYL!" Screamed Maks.

Val didn't believe him.

"Alex," Maks said, "get that damn gun away from him before he causes more trouble."

"Val for real, hand over the gun" said Alex.

"Is this what you want? Does Alexie want his gun back?" Taunted Val.

"Val I'm warning you, give it to me RIGHT NOW" said Alex, who was losing his patience. Usually Alex was pretty patient, but this was not the time to test that.

"Make me!" Taunted Val, who then bolted in front of Alex.

"That tears it!" Yelled Alex, who, in a rage of fury, tackled Val to the ground.

"You give me that gun or I'm gonna hit you!" Alex yelled, who had successfully pinned Val to the ground.

"Let me think about that..." slurred Val, "the answer is still no."

Alex then punched Val in the face, causing his nose to bleed.

"What the ****!" Yelled Val, who then shoved Alex off of him and proceeded to kick him in the ribs.

Alex then grabbed Val's ankle and tripped him, and then proceeded to punch him again, this time breaking his nose.

"Will someone please break those two idiots up?! Yelled Maks, who was still tending to the injured Meryl.

"Fine, I'll just do it myself!" Yelled Maks.

"Babe," whispered Meryl, who had regained consciousness. "Babe don't leave me!" She begged him.

"Look I'll break them up" said Teddy, who was sprinting over to where Alex and Val were fighting.

Alex had Val in a headlock when Teddy got there.

"Val," Teddy said, "Stop resisting. You're making Meryl upset and she's already losing a lot of blood."

Val then collapsed into a heap, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh dear lord, what have I done?!" Val sobbed.

"Maybe I shouldn't even be alive right now! I've hurt the one person that means the world to Maks, that means so much to him! I've brought shame onto myself and my family! Oh lord, what purpose do I have now in this world?" Sobbed Val.

Alex and Teddy exchanged worried looks.

"Did you get the g-u-n?" Teddy asked.

"I thought it fell when I tackled him..." said Alex, his voice filling with concern.

He ran his fingers through his hair when he heard the sound of a gun being cocked.

He turned to where he heard the sound, and soon his face was full of horror.

Val stood, with the gun pointed to his head.

"Goodbye sweet world!" Yelled Val.

-To be continued-

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