While They Wait

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It was a long wait in the waiting room.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats, awaiting the news of Maks' beloved Meryl-who was also his fiancé.

"One minute I was laughing with her...one minute Maks was down on one knee asking her to marry him...and now we don't know if she's going to make it" said Nicole, whose eyes began to fill with tears as she thought of their last conversation.

It was about Maks.

"Maks...he's so funny!" Meryl giggled. She was sort of loopy from the pain medicine Dr. Fast had given her.

"Oh yeah, he's a real charm" Nicole said laughing.

"Nicole" Meryl said, suddenly serious, "I love him".

"Oh I don't think that's much of a secret Meryl. He loves you too" Nicole chuckled.

Then Maks came in and Meryl's condition took a turn for the worse.

All in less than 5 minutes.

-Alex's POV-

I'll never forget the look on Maks' face when the doctor said Meryl might not make it.

I've never seen him look so distressed, not even when Val shot her.

But I personally think that she's hanging on just for him.

Just got a text from Maks.

"I swear I just heard Meryl whisper my name...but her eyes are closed and she's not moving...".

Hold up just got another text.


Well we're out of the woods.

For now.

Val is a mess.

He thinks he should be in jail, but we all know it was an accident.

Just got another text, this time from Ted.

"Cops just showed up and arrested Val..."

Oh shit.

Now we're in deep shit.

-To Be Continued-

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