The Ride There

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"Oh god I can't lose her!" Maks sobbed into Alex's shoulder.

"Look, she's a fighter bro. You know that. She's gonna make it" consoled Alex.

Meryl had lost a lot of blood, but she was a fighter. Her love for Maks made her will to live even stronger. She loved him, she confessed it to Alex when they were hanging out one time.

"Hey Alex, can I talk to you for a minute? In private?" Meryl had asked him.

"Um...sure!" Alex replied, a little skeptical.

"So...what's up?" Alex asked her.

"Alex... I'm in love with Maks..." Meryl had told him, "but you can't tell him I said that!" Meryl quickly added.

"I think he already knows." Alex had said. "Oh, he's probably going to kill me for telling you this, but he loves you too" Alex told her. It was true, he really loved her.

"Hey we need to get to the hospital..." Serge chimed in, snapping Alex out of his flashback.

"Right," said Maks, "but who's driving? Clearly I am in no condition to drive..." Maks trailed off.

"I'll drive" volunteered Alex.

"Um bro, you're not exactly the safest driver, and we want to get there without being admitted as patients too" joked Teddy. Maks was glad for Teddy's humor. It made him forget about the pool of blood that stained the ground where Meryl once laid.

"Oh for god sakes guys! I will drive!" Serge shouted, annoyed by his friends. Didn't they want to get to the hospital?

They all piled into the car.

It was a quiet car ride.

Serge was driving.

Alex was in the passenger seat.

Maks, Nicole and Teddy were crammed into the back, trying to console the sobbing Maks.

The only sound you could hear was Maks sobbing.

It wasn't quiet sobs, but the ones that make your heart hurt when you hear them.

"She's gonna be fine..." Alex said as he turned around to address Maks.

"How do you know? Are you a doctor Alex? No, didn't think so!" Sobbed Maks.

For the rest of the ride, no one spoke.

Finally they arrived to the hospital.

They all jumped out and sprinted into the hospital waiting room.

"Excuse me," gasped Maks, who was out of breath (partly from nerves and partly from sobbing so much) "we are here to see Meryl Davis? She got shot and the ambulance brought her here?!" Maks said, his voice rising an octave.

"Meryl Davis? The Olympian who just won Dancing with the Stars?" Asked the nurse.

"Yes her! I'm her dance partner!" Maks wanted to add that he was her boyfriend too, but he decided not to because he wasn't sure how she felt.

"Meryl Davis, Meryl Davis..." the nurse said, looking through her records. "I'm sorry sir, but there doesn't seem to be a Meryl Davis checked into this hospital" the nurse said.

The nurse saw the big brown eyes of Maksim Chmerkovskiy, professional dancer, current winner of the Mirror Ball Trophy, love interest of Meryl Davis, widen into shock and horror as he collapsed onto the hard ground in a heap of shaking sobs.

-To Be Continued-

I'm Not the Only OneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora